
From Redwall MUCK Wiki
(Redirected from User:Dizzy)


Command usage

When showing how to use a command:

  • Anything in <angle brackets> is required.
  • Anything in [square brackets] is optional.

For example, page [<name>] [= <message>] means that any of the following will work:

  • page
  • page Bob
  • page Bob = Hi there!

As you can see, you don't include <> or [] when typing commands.


In the examples below, anything you type is prefixed with >. Any output from the game is shown without the prefix.

 > page Bob = Hi there!
 You page, "Hi there!" to Bob.

"me" and "here"

When giving the name of an object to look at, take, page, etc., the special names me and here will always refer to yourself and your current room, respectively.

 > look me
 You see nothing special.
 > look here
 A slash in the ground, perhaps a large river at one point--now nothing more
 than a muddy stream in the center. It smells foul, with rotting vegetation,
 and the stream seems sickly and unappealing, though it's obviously used for
 drinking water by the miserable inhabitants--which makes your stomach churn.
 Exits: [Up] out of the crevasse

Looking around you

To look at your surroundings, use look [<object>]. look by itself will look at the current room.

 > look stone
 A small, grimy pebble.

Speaking to other players

To speak to people around you, use the say command. You can use " (double quote) as a shortcut.

 > say Hi there!
 You exclaim, "Hi there!"
 > "Have you seen my hat?
 You ask, "Have you seen my hat?"

To describe your character's actions, use the pose command, which is usually /emote or /me on other games. You can use : (colon) as a shortcut.

 > :sniffs the air.
 Bob sniffs the air.