This Chat Ends Badly-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Right After this

This log:

Oz-Papa Oz and caretaker of abbey dibbuns

Leon-Master Healer of Redwall

Sorex-A shrew

-Spoofed otters to take the shrew away

RW Abbey: Breezeway

A covered, narrow walkway connecting both the smaller building of the kitchens and the large, dwarfing building of the Great Hall. It is a walkway for the kitchen's servers for easy access to the Hall during mealtimes and Feasts. Because it is covered, it is mostly protected from the weather but outside so that more easy access to it is afforded. At almost all times, beasts can be seen scurrying across its surface -- despite their destination and the weather going on around them. Life must go on!

New growth sprouts up around the edges of the walkway but anything that managed to take root in the walkway and breezeway itself finds itself trampled -- and quite not worth the energy of rooting there. Brisk, slightly chilly spring breezes find their way into the breezeway, stirring the puddles of the many rainstorms that always manage to dump water onto the little, narrow walkway -- despite the coverings and shelter.

Exits: [Ki]tchen [P]ath, [G]reat [H]all, [Sc]ullery


The breezeway seemed the best place to be, just have others stay clear of it unless it was important, Oz sits in a chair making sure the shew stays in the chair and yes he could hear if he left as his hearing is very good.

Sorex has finally stopped cussing, maybe cause his throat hurt or he knew it worthless to even keep it up

Oz has mainly been quiet but now he speaks "Care to explain your actions before what I think should happen...happens?" His voice, its calm for now anyways.

Sorex has been staring at the badger, "Whats it to you and I don’t have to explain my actions to a blind beast, and yes I know your blind so maybe you didn’t know a fox...a fox was saved from your pond"

Oz takes a deep breath and speaks again "I know she is a fox, a dibbun in fact and her mother is very word, as am I, she is a dibbun that lives here. A dibbun that would mean no one any harm"

Sorex chuckles "Give it time, then see how harmless it will be then. I saw the look the adult one game me...dangerous to have in your abbey"

Oz says, "She is a member of this abbey and I did not see how she looked, then again I only say...what do you expect when it was her child you tried to drown. Be lucky this was not outside the abbey or you most likely wouldn’t be talking right now" Oz shakes his head, "So...a fox is a vermin, yes your right, and there is a have a rat here also. But it doesn’t mean they are evil...not all are evil"

Sorex says, "All vermin are evil"

Oz says, "Rayen and Juliana are not evil, nor is Thorn"

Sorex snorts "They have names, then guess vermin do need names....and come to think of it the same mouse stopped me twice, both times from helping top purge your place of vermin, vermin most likely waiting to strike"

Oz is starting to get a little peeved, "Then maybe it’s a good idea to leave...and harming a dibbun is wrong"

Sorex smirks “Not a vermin dibbun, so much easier to take care of.....they don’t fight back you see"

Oz can't see the smirk but he dislikes the tone of voice, and manages to stay calm" Perhaps I will not wait on the abbot, perhaps I will toss you out myself, that dibbun is one of the dibbuns under my care"

Sorex shakes his head "You watching a vermin child? What is wrong with this place, with you stripe dog...vermin are be gotten rid of"

Oz has had about enough, he decides he is not going to argue with the shrew and just ignores him.

Sorex narrows his eyes "Your ignoring me, I dislike that, I asked a simple question and should get an answer, or is this place just not in control of things? Or they are easily tricked perhaps?"

Oz folds his arms over his chest, he has some choice words but keeps them to himself for now, “Shut up" Simple words, maybe a warning even.

Sorex snorts “I will not shut up...stripe dog. I want to know why you and the mouse easier seem to want to defend...vermins, any vermin should die be them old or young...."

Oz says, "And you...sir need to be quiet I have heard and had about enough of you, the pond was proof enough and one doesn’t need to see to know it was wrong what happen and I have a right to toss you out as well, don’t need the go ahead and do it"

Sorex smirks as he speaks again, “OH, ya ya. Well you most likely have a hard time being blind and all, clearly that’s the only reason you seemed unfazed by the brat at the pond, I am unsure of the mouse maybe he is just ill in the head or something, want to know my feelings about the brat?"

Oz says, "It be wise to be quiet"

Sorex says, "Oh..why be quiet?"

Oz says, "Because I said so"

Sorex is quiet, for a short while but he seems to like to get in the last word " is the fox kit?" He smirks and his thoughts become clear in how his voice sounds as he says the last 3 words. "Dead I hope..."

And he has succeeded in ticking the badger off, as Oz rises from his chair and goes to grab the shrew, he doesn't really care where right now as those words just were the last straw.

Sorex chuckles and then that chuckle is silenced as he is grabbed at the throat, ok he was not expecting that or maybe he was as he goes to kick at him.

Leon enters about this time, trying to get fresh air and blinks as he turns to see...great, not that he wouldn’t mind seeing the shrew strangled "Wait Oz!" He quickly goes over to the two beasts, but carefully.

Oz does release the shrew and snarls, he walks away "He needs escorted out, the sooner the better, I am going to get some tea" Yeah he doesn't want to hear the shrew right now or be near him. "If I throw him out myself it will be painfully"

Sorex is still a little..tied to a chair and coughs, "Your stripe dog needs controlled" He states, but hey it could of been worse as he glares at the leaving badger, then at the healer.

Leon shakes his head and walks over looking down at the shrew "I am guessing this has to do with Juliana, I won’t ask what was said as I can ask later but yes the abbot will be having you escorted out of the abbey, you harmed a dibbun, just about killed the abbot daughter, injured my son and threaten another abbey beast."

Sorex asks, "Why dos the abbot have a vermin for a daughter for, is he insane?"

Leon shakes his head, he calls over a couple otters to take the shrew somewhere, oh and guard him better so he doesn’t get out of a room again. He then goes to check on Oz.

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole

This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

                  [G]reat [H]all

Leon made sure the shrew was well guarded as he peeks into the cavern hole carefully and looks around, "Oz?"

Oz is sitting at a table on the far side of the room, he has some tea but it’s some of Zee's tea and for now he just stares at it.

Leon walks over to Oz and goes to scoot the tea over, "Not the best thing to drink most likely" He sits down "What happen?"

Oz is quiet, listening to sounds in the room and the mouse's entry he hears, he takes a deep breath as he is calmer now, "You were at the pond so why asking what happen. It be wise I was not there when that shrew is escorted outside"

Leon frowns, "Yes, and she is still resting in the infirm being closely watched for signs of getting worse or better. And I meant what happen in the breezeway with Sorex?"

Oz holds back a snarl, then is quiet and relaxes again, somewhat....."He asked how the fox kit was and said he hoped she was I grabbed him by the throat, then you came and I released him."

Leon blinks, yep for sure the wrong words to say to the dibbun caretaker, "Oh...well then maybe someone else can be there when he is escorted outside"

Oz sighs and runs his head "I have a headache, but if I am needed...I will be there"

Leon nods and lays a paw on Oz's arm, "Don't worry...hey I almost punched the shrew myself....and I did knock him out with a staff when he almost injured Thorn"

Oz raises an eyebrow,"...You knocked him out?"

Leon nods "Yeah....I do not know how he got out of the office, picked the lock" He frowns "Guess should of keep better eye on him then he wouldn’t of hurt the dibbun, I mean almost stabbing Thorn was bad enough, but he just about killed a dibbun, this shrew has a serious thing against the vermin species in the abbey, and seems cares not their age"

Oz nods "Yes your right Brother Leon" He sigh and stands up “I am going to bed, it’s been too long of a day “And he heads to bed, he needs rest.