Thin Ice and Talks in The Infrm

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Pond

The abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers.

Spring has come. Due to the rains, the abbey pond is just gently lapping at the edges of the ground. Soon to overflow lightly if the spring rains don't let up soon. Plant life seems to explode here in a variety of colors, sizes and aromas.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards


South Wallgate

Silverstorm is by the pond, she is watching others ice skate and yawns a little as to her it’s a bit boring and she never tried it, she never really had a chance to try it. So she just watches others have some fun towards the outer edges of the pond.

Krystal has recently learned the joys of skating and caught on really quickly how to glide across the pond and chuckles as she has some fun. She smiles and seems glad she watched others, this and a couple questions helped her to learn as it seems she learns from watching others, she is a bit away from the edges and more towards the center of the pond.

Silverstorm rolls her eyes as some hedgehog asks her if she wants to skate, a polite no thanks is what is gotten as she seems happy enough on the log  by the pond simply watching and the day is sunny after all.
Bek walks towards the pond and stops by the sea otter maid he has talked to a couple times on the road "I see you..made it back to the abbey lass" His gruff voce speaking to Silverstorm, his cloak and hood are over his head, yeah hiding his ID still.
Krystal does a couple spins and smiles. Skating along the ice helps her feel free and almost like flying in a way as she makes a circle and does a couple back and forth movements letting her eyes close as she enjoys the wind blowing through her fur.
Silverstorm looks up and hmmphs, "Oh it’s you, wot do ya want Mr..No you can't see me..."
Bek frowns under his hood, "I have me..reasons to have the hood, it is not a crime." He keeps calm as he speaks.
Krystal has been lost in thought when she gets too close to some thinning ice in the middle of the pond, yes it can happen still even when its mid-winter, and the middle of ponds and river are where it can start to thin and still be ice hard closer to the shore and a little ways away from the shore line. Anyways...the cracking sound alerts her and her eyes snap open as she looks down and comes to a sudden halt, she goes to move slowly and only makes it crack more and now panic starts to sit in.
Silverstorm shakes her head and looks back to the pond and frowns as she stands and walks a little closer, "Oh no...that can’t be good." She can see the squirrel maid is in trouble and calls to the other couple beasts out here "Don't go close to the center!" Luckily they move and Silverstorm  goes to try and get to Krystal, slowly and carefully and some others watch where the ice is thicker.
Bek looks over at the squirrel and blinks, he goes to remove his cloak and lays it down and walks across the ice slowly, "Walk..slowly, gently..sudden movement would be bad..very very bad." His voice is calm to which ever one of them is listening.
Krystal frowns, great she is trapped and she doesn’t like to be near beasts she doesn’t know and goes to back up and eepes as the ice makes her fall backwards and breaks some as she manages to get a good hold on a thicker piece , but she is half way in the very cold pond now and starts to shiver, either from cold or a little fear or both.
Silverstorm glares at Bek and gasps as the squirrel maid falls and goes to grab her paw, if she can, and pull her towards her.
Bek stays clam and close by, he has been use to light movement and maybe ice even, but he seems to know just how to place a footpaw .
Krystal panics a little more and goes under but resurfaces and barely manages to grab the otters paw and lets the otter help her out of the icy water and shivers now.
Silverstorm smiles and carefully pulls Krystal a little further out and looks over at Bek."See I KNOW to be careful"

Bek nods and will scoop up the squirrel maid and carefully carry her back to shore and towards the fire pit, he wraps her in his cloak and starts a fire to help warm her and looks back towards the pond. He looks a bit out of place without his cloak.

Krystal whimpers slightly as she is carried to the fire pit and sat down with the cloak, she watches the sea otter stranger very carefully and is silent as she shivers and stays close to the warm fire once it starts.
Silverstorm shakes her head as she stands close to where Krystal just about had went under and starts to head back herself as she falls onto her bottom on the ice and grumbles loudly and sadly makes the ice near her crack a lot, but she doesn’t pay attention to this.
Bek looks to the squirrel maid and places a paw at his chest and bows to her and then heads back to the pond, "I say all stay off pond for now..." Does he?..Nope. He heads onto the iced pond and over to Silverstorm and offers his paw to her to grab, "I help you to shore...yes?"
Silverstorm stands and looks at the other sea otter and she knows the voce, "Bek?" She then glares and backs off "How-Dare-’’re an otter and you hide it..why?" She slaps at the paw."
Bek lowers his paw, yes it was slapped but he doesn’t mind, "I am sorry Silverstorm..I had me reasons for it, but reasons don’t matter we need off the ice..let’s go." He tries to offer his paw again.

Silverstorm shakes her head and takes a step back to walk around "I don’t need your he---" The sentence ends there as she is suddenly falling under the ice that broke under her footpaws and gasps, one would think being an otter she just right herself and swim upwards but it suddenly becomes clear she has no clue -AT ALL- how to swim and fails badly! The cold doesn’t help, it only helps her sink and have a bit of pure panic

Bek cusses as the ice breaks and he was beside the otter maid as he falls he manages to right himself and comes up, he arches an eyebrow and then his good eye goes wide as he dives back in the cold waters and looks for the maid. He soon finds her and goes to place his arms under her arms and swim upwards with her and then onto thicker ice and towards the shore once more.
Silverstorm panicking lessens a little as she starts to pass out and feels herself being pulled to shore, after a couple bumps along the ground she throws up some water and shivers like..a lot.
Bek scoops her up and carries her to the infirm, he also tells one of the novices to get the squirrel maid inside as well and the novice nods as they do so and the otter seems glad they listened as he hurries with Silverstorm to the infirm.

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]


Bek carries the maid to the cot and lays her down allowing a healer on duty to tend to her as he backs off.

Silverstorm shivers as she is still very cold and helped out of the wet outfit and into a dry one and covered up, she stares at Bek but doesn’t say anything to him just yet, she is too busy shivering maybe.
Bek stands nearby, he is not one to talk much unless spoken to and he feels a bit nervous without his hooded cloak and sighs thinking...oh yeah the squirrel maid has the cloak and he should wait to get it back from her most likely as he sits down slowly.
Silverstorm looks back at Bek and then mutters a "T..Thank you"
Bek nods slowly as he looks around the infirm, "Most likely being here couple always thinner nearer center of pond.." But he is curious of one thing, "But why not try to right self again and get out..seemed hard."
Silverstorm frowns at this, great her secret comes out as she pulls the covers over her head.."I..I can't swim" Her voice quiet now.
Bek arches an eyebrow at this but says nothing as he has his own secrets, he looks at the door still feeling a bit odd without the hooded cloak, he then nods "Well...good thing was being there then..suppose." A reason for the rough voice may be seen now without his cloak, an old pink scar on his throat and some missing fur.
Silverstorm sighs as she takes the blanket off her head at least and watches him, she coughs a couple times and speaks, "You...don't look that bad so..why the hooded cloak all the time?"
Bek just stands and walks over to the window and looks out "I..have reasons." He leaves it at that.
The door to the infirmary opens and Elder Benar strolls in talking quietly to one of his Brothers. He stops when he sees the otters and smiles and raises a paw, "Good day"
Silverstorm looks over at Benar and nods "Hey..found out hard way some parts towards the center of the pond are..bit thin, its fine along the edges and some further in just the middle isn’t too good."
Bek turns to look at Benar and bows, his one paw over his chest as he does so..sign of respect he has learned from his father it would seem, "Hello...sir. I am a you say new to this area of Mossflower"
Benar says, "Then I'll make sure to ban ice skating for now Novice," he smiles at Silverstorm, "I am glad you are ok, couldn't ask for a better novice to check the pond." He then turns to the male otter and offers a warm smile, "Welcome to Mossflower and Redwall Abbey. I am Elder Benar and this is my assistant Brother Elmef," the mouse bows to Bek in turn as the squirrel introduces him."
Silverstorm nods "Yeah..I am ok, thanks to Bek here..he helped me."
Bek nods "I am.." He nods "Yes Bek, for now me and the one I call father live near Ferravale."
Benar says, "Well then I am glad to hear it, thank you for being of assistance to Silverstorm here. I popped in to ask if there is anything you need right now in the infirmary?""
Silverstorm shrugs "I..don’t know if Infirm needs anything...Brother Leon might know but not seen him today"
Bek nods "Is welcome." He doesn’t know much of the infirmary here so he lets them discuss it as he clears his throat some, needing to at times it would seem if he speaks a lot.
Benar says, "Ok well if anything comes up let myself or Elmef know. He is picking up some of my duties right now whilst I work on a few other things for Lorimis." he smiles, "I'll see you soon Bek, be welcome as long as you like. We have a feast this week you need to stay for that"

Silverstorm sighs a little "Hopefully I will not be stuck in here."

Bek nods "Should be like 1..2 days when is feast?"

Silverstorm says, "In...3 days from today...yeah 3 days.."

Bek nods again, "Then should be fine, were not under water long at all and brought here quickly..warmed up so all be good then"
Silverstorm nods as she listens, "Well least not too much to do in winter."
Bek says, "Many things to do in winter..well some places being many things"
Silverstorm nods, "Just don’t try and do anything with the forge while your might get yelled at or...maybe hit with a cane, then again not sure he would do that or not, then never know he is odd at times its..-his- forge...well for now it is anyways."
Bek tilts his head " Why is that and not planning on going to forge is one in Ferravale I can..go to"
Silverstorm says, "The one who runs it...may be letting me have say so or least part say so, I don’t know not had chance to ask yet, I am an apprentice to the Blacksmith here."
Bek nods "Interesting"

Silverstorm soon falls asleep so stops talking.

Bek starts to ask something else and notices she is asleep and quietly goes to back out of the infirm

Silverstorm…well sleeps .

--Had to go so enjoy Log –