The mean old snotty nosed mouse returns! only to be reminded of his defeat at the road.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Shandar comes running back out from the abbey, Ahndia right behind her. A shout from Great Hall can be heard, but the words are not intelligible from the pond, wich is where the two dibbuns are headed. When they see Oz and Benar, they skid to a halt, and Ahndia's soaked tail whacks Shandar in the face. Shandar grits her teeth, but supresses the urge to wrestle with her friend until the adults are gone. She tugs her tunic down and tries to be mostly presentable, giving a little wave. "Hi Papa oz, Brother Benar." The two girls chorus together, Shandar finsishing before Ahndia.

Benar turns slowly and stares at Shandar and Ahndia, he then lifts his eyes and glances toward the Great Hall then eyes the squirrel's wet tail and speaks quietly. "Children, what have you done to cause beasts to shout at you. The truth now please?"
Corinne comes running back towards the pond, whimpering and about crashes into the back of Benar, she eeps and shivers some.
The two look at each other sheepishly, and Ahndia speaks up, cutting off the reply Shandar was about to offer. "I, uh. Well. That was my mummy. She wanted me t' help in the infirmary, but I was all wet,' on the floor..."She trails off as Corinne almost crashes into the elder, and Shandar picks up for her. "We got kicked out cause we were makina mess. Didn't mean to. Sir." She hadn't meant to add the 'sir', it sort of just came out. She watches Corinne, not wanting to talk to her until Brother Benar says she's not introuble.
Benar frowns at Ahndia and then kneels down to pet Corinne's ears, "Hey little one are you ok?" he smiles at her then glances at the two culprits. "Very well... you are both on cleaning duty tomorrow though. I'll tell your mother, you can help with cleaning the infirmary and I expect you both to do a good job."
Corinne frowns, a different shoting is in the entry, and a guard follows a very moody mouse, "Where is the llittle.."Corinne hides behide Benar,he is closer as a guard goes to stop the mouse and gets punched, not a good first impression.
Shandar knows enough not to argue, she hangs her head. "Yes, Brother Benar." cleaning duty doesn't bother her /too/ much- yes, it isn't fun, but she'll do it. Ahndia, however, is a different matter. She splutters. "But..but...Both jobs? And, um...Shandar wasn't even makin a mess, it was me!" Shandar glares at her friend, as if saying 'Dont mention me!' The noise from the entryway makes her turn /very/ slowly, and when she sees wh oit is, she growls. "Get out." her voice is low, but not inaudible. Ahndia whimpers and backs off. She'll do kitchen duty. If only she can get inside now.
Benar frowns toward the guard being punched and watches as several others rush over to help subdue the moody mouse. Benar picks Corinne up and holds her and steps forward to grip Shandar's arm and look down at her as she growls in that deep rumble. "Remember your promie Shandar...." he then starts to stride forward, "What is the meaning of this"
The mouse in question narrows his eyes, "thats betweeen me and not you, name is Boris and that.." He points to Corinne, "Is my daughter, she needs to come eith me" To this Corinne shakes her head, Boris gets angey, "Yeah..shouldnt of even come this far down the path...should of stayed a lie you were gone too, but he fiound out..never did like her stupid brother"
Shandar jumps as Benar takes her arm. She looks momentarily guilty, then thinks. She's already broken her promis- she hadn't been thinking, but she had broken it. How hasn't Brother Benar heard? She shakes her head, then turns, not wanting to be tempted into fighting the moody mouse. again. Ahndia rushes forward and wraps a paw about Shandars shoulders. "Cummon Shan, lets go in, we dont wanna be here-" Shandar shakes her friend off and stands alone, facing the pond. She knows she should go in, but more of her wants to stay. her back is ridged, and her tail whips back and forth. Of course she remains within hearing range of Boris, and his words anger her. again. She turns, fists clenched, /so/ mad at him, and the injustice he has caused for Leon and Corinne, and it's clear she's aiming to fight him. again. Ahndia goes to grab Shandars arm, and Shandar doesn't want to hurt her friend, so she stays put instead of shaking her away. But she can't just stand there full of pent up rage. She turns once more and screams, her little paws clenched. Ahndia's ears go back. She's frightened.
Boris laughs at the upset dibbuns, "You know what, on 2nd though tell Renne's brother to meet me tomorrow, we" He chuckles a little on this. Corinne frowns and hides her face.
Benar says, "Ahndia, take Shandar inside... we will talk later and if I find out she has broken her promise.... I will tell Flicktail he may not train her." he shifts Corinne in his arms and holds onto her tightly. "Sir... I must inform you that the abbey at this time will not be returning Corinne into your care. Now please you have attacked one of our guards unprovoked. Leave the ground and do not return until such time as you are willing to talk in a civilised manner." he stares down at the mouse, slightly taller then him and frowning, "Any creatre who would so speak about his children as you is not welcome here if you cannot keep a civil tongue.""
Shandar is having quite a bit of trouble controling herself. And that isn't good. She tries to wrench her arm from Ahndia, but all of her wrestling lessons have paid off, and Ahndia holds on to the mouse. She leans forward and whispers into Shandar's ear. "We are going inside. You are not going to fight Boris. You will listen to Brother Benar and follow me inside." Shandar doesn't respond, but allows her friend to begin leading her away. As they pass Boris, Shandar gives him a look full of red, boiling hatred and anger, and she speaks quietly. "I hope your face still hurts from where it hit the dirt." Then Ahndia tugs her arm, and they head inside, Shandar staring back at Boris the whole way.
Boris smirks, and the guards stay close, "So, you some high and mightly beast here,...tahts fine, dislike her. Wad not the parent type anyways, her mother died..the dibbun should of died too, but lived...I droped her off her and planed to leave and sticking with that plan, and another thing lets forget my little meeting with her brother,...a little..accident might happen, see it wasnt his fault she died, it was mine had him take the blaim for it..when I never gave her the herbs to cure her, also he got lost cause of my hired ferret, the ferret was supposed to kill him, oh well cant find good help theses days so..ya all can keep the brat"
Benar stares down at Boris, his eyes dark and he lifts one paw and points, "Leave... if you are still in Mossflower by the end of tomorrow my Champion will find you and see to it that you leave." The guards move to grab his arms, neither of them look pleased and start trying to drag the mouse toward the gate. He'll find out what Shandar meant about hitting the dirt later right now he wants the vile mouse out of the abbey.
Thanks /goodness/ Shandar wasn't outside to hear that last piece of gold from Boris! Dunnel, cheery as always, comes walking out of the abbey doors. His juanty step leaves him as he sees the guards dragging the mouse away, and he stands near Benar. "Do they bes a-need any help, Zurr?"
Boris goes on, "Yeah he found his way back...the morning after she had saddly died...he left the village, see told him his neice was dead too, also his fault..he believed me,the fool" He struggles as the guards carry him out, he looks over his shoulder.."Make sure you tell the fool not to look for me..or he may end up dead somewhere!" The mouse is throw out and the gates locked, he snorts and walks north, hopefully gone this time.
Corinne has luckly heard little of this, she is asleep, Benar shoulder makes a nice pillow
Benar frowns and is glad Shandar and Ahndia were gone for that last bit, the little ones would likely talk. He looks to the guards, "Do not repeat his words to anyone, I will speak to Novice Leon myself."
The guards nod, soon the other guards arrive "He has headed towards the Gull sir"
Benar says, "Very well, he is not to be allowed back inside, ever.... he is barred from Redwall and send word to Ferravale too""
(Dunnel listens in, and waits to add his own thoughts until the elder has spoken. "Burr, Oi bes a-thinken that that un woant want t' be returnin' 'ere. Though Oi bes a-dreadin' th' day he does.")
Corinne movs slightly, she whimpers a little, maybe a bad dream as she is asleep some.
Benar frowns, not entirely sure where the mole came from as he turns back to the abbey, "Maybe so sir Mole, do not I charge thee speak of what you have seen this day. I will talk to Brother Leon myself." he starts inside to put Corinne down to bed in the dibbun dormitory