The day after the feast...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

...As a body guard Xia has a very well trained response to actions such as this, and that response is grab the offending fox by the muzzle and hurl him onto the table with the brute force of an angry badger!

In retrospect it is probably a good thing the guards made her check in her weapon at the gate...

Another day came and went since the great feast. The busy chores of the day finished the great hall was rather quiet. A young novice lit the torches along the walls as the final embers of day light began to grace the abbey grounds.

Then down came the stairs one brown furred fox. The vixen was clearly not of Abbey stock simply due to her dress and groom, which mostly consisted of a sash, some leggings, and some cloth wraps under her green cloth vest. The fox though looked like she had survived one Redwall Feast too many. She is a rather portly fox and well fed and looking very very, tired.

She clutched at her stomach tightly with one paw and supported herself with against the wall with the other. "Oh blast..." She said, her head dizzy and spinning.

Flicktail sits in his favorite rocker, next to the fire place, the cheery fire crackling and making shadows dance on the walls and tapistries. The fox snores loudly as he curls his blanie against him murmering and muttering "Rayen... mummua.... ohh nice....No... No!" his footpaws scrabble "R..Rayne...l look out...fer Cheshire....No..Rain don't Kiss Cheshire!" he struggles in his nightmare

The vixen catches sight of the sleeping fox and staggers towards him, clutching her head as she walked. "That is the last time I challenge hares to a drinkin contest." The fox paused next to Flicktail, raising an eyebrow to his rather odd mutterings in his sleep. Shaking her head the vixen took a seat on one of the bench like chairs of the great table, not too far from the fire place. She was rather surprised when her stomach brushed up against the table, even when leaning away from it.

Xia Was fairly certain her stomach did not do that last night. Of course her belt still fit last night.

The vixen moaned in silence, placing her head down on the table and waiting for coffee to be served. Perhaps some breakfast was in order and then she would slip quietly away.

When no coffee came the fox dared to look up. Something was wrong with this picture...why was the great hall empty this early in the morning? ...It was still morning right?

Flicktail Awakens with a start "Wha! where!" he pants looking around wildly W..who goes there..Rayne is at you?" not knowing there is another vixen here Flicky goes over and Nuzzles Xia's neck.

Xia's eyes go wide. Every fur of her body stands on end from her ears to the tip of her tail. The vixen is suddenly very awake...

Pitty for Flicktail that she never took surprises very well.

Letting out an ear piercing shriek that caused the mouse novice to drop his torch onto the stone work floor Xia reachup towards Flicktail. As a body guard Xia has a very well trained response to actions such as this, and that response is grab the offending fox by the muzzle and hurl him onto the table with the brute force of an angry badger!

In retrospect it is probably a good thing the guards made her check in her weapon at the gate...

Flicktail MUMMPHS looking up surprised..tring to squeek out, "X...Xis..fen id ooo et ere?

Flicktail's eyes are wide and his paw are up and open to show he is unarmed.

The fox is greeted by the site of an angry snarly vixen. It is amazing how fierce a creature so...fluffy can look when riled. "You little nitwit! What did you think you were trying to pull!" Xia releases her grip on the vulpine muzzle, but only so she could stand back and get ready to clobber him with nothing but her paws!

"P-please ma'am! Just calm down and-" The mouse began. He was quickly silenced by the vixen's snarl. With a pitiful squeak he dashed off towards the kitchens leaving the still lit torch on the floor.

It began to roll across the floor settling finally under the great and legendary tapestry of Marten the Warrior...

Flicktail eeps and leaps at the torch, and putting it out, he look sup with black soot on his fur "you..Your not Rayen! I..i didn't know there was another Vixen ere....I mean..i mean...." The fox is all flustered.

"Ya think!?" Clearly not bound by the peaceful laws of the abbey the vixen throws her weight against Flicktail, trying to tackle him to the floor and thusly pulverize him. Or at least maul him until he sub comes and falls to the floor....then pulverize him.

Little did she know that the Flicktail had just saved a priceless peice of art. As true of all old and valuable relics the tapestry would have been easily damaged and probibly burst into flames. So it should come as no surprise when the bottom was fray a bit by the torch. It is a small spot, nearly un-noticeable...practically no damage at all!


Flicktail lets out a loud yelp as his injured hip is hit "YAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Easy Gel! I gave anuzzle not a BITE"

"And that's why you will DIE!" The vixen shouted as she wrapped her paws about Flicktail's throat. She was determined to strangle the life out of this...this beast! This creature! This villainous vermin and scoundrel and-

Xia imminently releases her grasp on Flicky before she can actually damage him. Her eyes caught site of the damage to the tapestry, the little blackened frayed spot at the bottom.

"Oh no. Oh no oh no oh nonononononono..." The vixen pulled at her ears and let out a terrified whine, "Nononononononono! What have you done! You set fire to the tapestry!"

Flicktail groans "not on fire...hey please calm down and fervvives me...side wasn't you was th novice

Flicktail says, "Lords I were aving a bad dream...could..could ya elp me up?"

The fox however continues to panic and totaly not help the fox up. "You fool don't you get it? You're vermin, surely you have heard the stories! There are two things you never mess with in Redwall Abbey. You never try to steal the sword of marten and you never, ever, EVER mess with his tapestry!" She ran her paws across her own muzzle, "It''s practically ruined! The redwallers will blame us foxes for destroying their tapestry!" She pointed to the very minute spot. "Do you know what they will do to us if they find out we did THAT? It won't be no slap on teh wrists I can tell you that much! T-they will toss us into stew pots! They will use us for target practice! Toss us over the wall! Turn us into hides coats and put us on diets!"

The vixen began to pace back and forth, tail twitching sporadically behind her, "Ok here is the plan, if any one asks tell them you did it and I was no where around here!"

Flicktail says, "it's ok..*I* am the Champion....."

Flicktail says, "and I *DID* do it"

"T-that's the spirt." Xia said with a nervous chuckle, "And go with the 'i'm the champion line'. They will think you had too much wine and didn't do it on purpose. I'm sure they will reward you with a quick and mercifull death." She began to try and shove the fox towards the stairs, "N-now you go find who ever is in charge and tell them that. I'll use the distraction to get my weapon from the guards and get out of here!"

Flicktail asks, "Excuse me, but coudl you elp me up? and do you know where I might get a couple o Birds?"

"Oh! Even better! Quick! Continue to lay there! Claim someone came in and knocked you over the head. Claim the birds did it! We can get some feathers and toss them about to make it more convincing!" Xia turned her attention towards the sound of paw steps come from the hallway by the stairs, "Oh blast! The guards are coming! Quick! Act like you are dead!"

The vixen then turned tail and ran for the main entrance. She thrust open one of the doors and struggled to squeeze her bulky frame through. Having completed this Xia took off for the gates.

Meanwhile a single guard came into the room. He looked over the tapestry, completely missing the singed spot and looked to Flicktail. "Um...sir, why are you on the floor?" The hare asked.

The hare looked oddly at the fox. Flicktail had an odd personality to say the least. Maybe this was some kind of game? "Um..." Said the hare, unsure how to answer. Moments later Cheshire the cat walked through. The inventor was deeply enthralled by the book in his paws while munching on a muffin in the other. The cat paused to look down at the fox and then the guard, raising an eyebrow.

"He is...uh, cleaning the floor?" The hare offered.

The cat looked back to the fox as he took a bite of his muffin. "Barbarians." The cat said before taking his leave. "No wonder this place is so filthy if THAT is how they clean it..."

Flicktail asks, "Wont some germs?"

"You lot will all die of the plauge one day Flicktail!" The cat said as he dashed into the kitchen leaving the hare to help the fox to his feet. Not every day at Redwall was exciting, not every day was peaceful, some were just...odd, thought the guard...

Flicktail Movesto sit back in his rocker "no more cider before a name..I was dreaming you were nuzzling with Rayen."



You see before you a Tall Muscular arctic fox. His fur is almost a blue white and is quite lush, thick and warm, except for his "Boots and Gloves" . Soft short velvety black fur coverers his paws to his elbows and his foot paws to his knees. Behind him, in almost constant motion is a thick lush brushy white tail, his pride and joy, tipped with some black fur, while large white ears tipped in black rotate on his head to catch different sounds. Rich golden eyes regard you warmly. Flick wears a simple red tunic made of thin cotton for the summer, and a blue tunic with a green belt, held together with a silver belt buckle shaped like an acorn. The Cloak is held with an Acorn Clasp, symbol of Redwall Abbey

Xia (me)

Xia is an adult fox who has not lost her youthful appearance. She stands a bit shorter than the average fox but makes up the difference with her long slender ears and a semi spiky head fur.

Her snout is long and pointed, the ends of her fangs always seem to protrude from her mouth. A pair of almond eyes rest behind her nose.

This particular vixen does not sport the usual red fur pattern, rather her fur is a mixture of earthy tones, mostly light brown with several lighter shades of orange here and there. The tips of her ears are covered in black fur. Her tail is dipped in yellow fur with a black tip. Her underbelly, from her chin to the bottom of her gut is draped in light creme yellow fur.

This woodland vixen wears a series of tan cloth wraps around her chest. The wraps are in turn covered by an open green cloth vest. The combination of garments both leave a great deal of her stomach exposed, for better or for worse, and at the moment it leans towards worse.

Due either to inactivity or a poor diet this vixen is starting to round out. A thick layer of flesh has attached itself to Xia's hips and has started to thicken around her waist and hips as well. Despite this Xia seems to wear the weight well, giving her a pleasantly plump appearance.

Xia's final piece of clothing is the combination of a green cloth shorts around her waist combined wtih a tan sash that wraps around her hips and hangs down around her knees.

And of course no vixen is complete with out her choice of weaponry, this one being a tall Halberd with a curved blade. Holes have been drilled into the back of the blade and out fitted with iron rings to give the weapon a little more power to her swing.