The Wildcat Gets A Surprise!!!(Redemption Of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happen ICLY later in the evening after this roleplay [[Blisa_visits_the_Infirmary_and_has_a_small_chat_with_Marek_%28Redemption_of_Marek_TP%29_%5BEDITED%5D_%3A%29|]] enjoy


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]


Bramblefur steps into the tavern and then goes to sit at table in the back.

Zee is already here drinking an ale when he sees Bramblefur enter; he quietly finishes his ale and walks over to him "Hello kitty"

Bramblefur looks up "Oh it is you, hello do you be needing something sir badger?"

Zee asks, "yes, the tea where did you get it?"

Bramblefur gives a frown in response, "What tea would that be being, I not knowing of any tea, I usually like a good ale or just some gin maybe even good plain old water"

Zee stands calm and stares at the wildcat, "Tea that Scioto and Marek had as well as me niece, so answer the blooming question lad"

Bramblefur sips his ale and studies the old badger as he chuckles a little “I no idea, something happen I been busy"

Zee is starting to get a little less calm, "I asked around after spoke with Scioto and Marek and they said you gave them the tea. A beastie saw you coming down the stairs leading to a room upstairs of here and the mole mentioned they were in that room, and two others seen you hurrying out of tavern some reason."

Bramblefur shrugs as he takes a long drink of ale, "Well, beasts can be mistaken now can't they? I am so sorry to hear of your niece or any other beast for that matter." His voice stays oddly calm as he finishes his ale and sits down the mug not even looking at the badger now.

Zee manages to just barely hold in a growl as he forces the wildcat to turn around and look at him, "All de beasts had the same story lad, I do not believe that many beasts would just make something up and like and I want you to explain right now, where were you then when all this was happening?"

Bramblefur looks up at the badger and clears his throat, "I suggest...sir, that you walk away as I am not one to argue with when I already explained I known nothing" His voice has an edge of coldness to it as he folds his paws in his lap and keeps eye contact, “Or maybe you just didn't hear me. Old beasts do have trouble hearing after all. Here is the simple version, back off"

Zee clearly doesn't back off, he grips his staff tightly as he mentally counts to ten and narrows his eyes at the wildcat," Not till I get an answer. You were up in that room or least in the hallway, what do you know? Why do you seem to not be ill or anything as seems all others in de room were lad? And the guard outside was dead, hmms oddly found out the room had the left over tea and cups, guard had no cup anywhere near him but signs he had something to drink was all over his uniform and it wasn’t ale or plain water neither."

Bramblefur lays a paw on his sword and speaks, “You know you’re a nosey..old..stripe dog. I always disliked badgers." He smirks, "Whats it my business what happen or didn’t happen upstairs or even downstairs." Yeah he had started to go back upstairs and found out he couldn't, and he knows that at least the two he was told to make sure died, well didn’t die but the guard did for sure and one other may of, he didn’t find out the answer of any possible 2nd death.

Zee growls now, it's a low controlled one, "It may not be your business lad, but it is mine. Me niece is in the infirm cause of whatever was in that tea. And I think you know more than you’re letting on and I aim ta find out. You will answer some" The last word seems hard to say calmly, but he manages to barely say it calmly.

Bramblefur stands slowly and dusts off his cloak, he then goes to shove the badger down and proceed to walk on out of the tavern as if nothing happen.

Zee was not ready for the suddenly shove and does end up falling against the table causing it to tip over. This doesn’t stop him or make him stay put as he just slowly gets up and sets the table back up. The badger then goes after the wildcat as he gives a quick sorry to the two rats who's drinks and cards are not all over the floor.

FV: Abandoned Warehouse

Just your average everyday warehouse, although the door is reinforced and sturdier than necessary.

Dusty crates, barrels, containers, boxes all litter the dim, lamplit room, flickering as the guttering lights threaten to die. Ceiling is high, shadows are deep as well as plentiful, cover is rich...this would be a good place to hide from pursuers.

Exits: [Out]

Bramblefur sits on one of the boxes in the warehouse and has a couple rats with him, “So, seems the poison didn’t work on Scioto and Marek we shall have to try again somehow, but it did work on some badger maid or least somewhat. She lies in a deep faint maybe we can at least finish her off.”

One rat, claws, nods “Sure boss..umm how do we go about doing that?” The 2nd,Pip nods also, “Yeah..umm what now?”

Jaxon comes in as he speaks, “Are your other men this stupid? You simply tamper with the herbs or claim your helping and give them –something- to help them recover.” He forms a cruel smile on his face as he finishes.

They are greeted by a loud thud, thud as Zee enters with his staff, “And if ya go near me niece your stop breathing!” A loud snarl comes from him as he moves his staff in front of him.

Bramblefur looks up and chuckles “Oh no..” He says in a sarcastic tone” It’s the old stripe dog what ever shall we do now boys?” He then smirks as he draws his sword, “I say we have some fun.”

Jaxon turns to look at the badger and rolls his eyes, “May be best to leave old one, then again seeing Bramblefur wants to chat it may be too late”

One rat gets brave and gets closer to the badger and then draws out a dagger and goes to stab him in the leg.

Zee sidesteps and slams the staff onto the rat’s skull, a lot harder than he would when he just wants to bonk someone on the head as this time he means to inflect pain and a lot of it. He hits hard enough to break the skull in fact.

Bramblefur watches, he is not afraid of an old weak looking stripe dog and if one of his rats die, then they die as he has other rats that follow him or will follow him if asked. The rat falls forwards as the staff slams into his head and it’s clear the rat is dead as a doornail.

Zee twirls the staff around as he speaks, “You will answer my question lad. Who gave you that tea? Did you poison it or did someone else?”

Bramblefur just smirks and steps over the dead rat to swing his blade skillfully at the old badger,” I shall answer that once you’re dead, oh yeah you wouldn’t be able to answer then would you?” He chuckles at his own joke.

Zee backs up, but gets a line of red on his lower arm from the blade, he gets a good hold on the staff and goes to knock the sword out of the wildcat’s paws with the staff.

Jaxon gets out some throwing knifes and stands ready in case he needs to fight.

Leon is outside when he hears fighting and peeks into the warehouse and gasps as he sees Zee fighting Bramblefur.

The other rat that was with Bramblefur spots Leon and goes to try and grab him, “No witness allowed!”

Bramblefur gets hit in the snout by the large staff and then goes to elbow Zee in the chest and proceeds to shove him into a stack of crates.

Leon quickly gets out a sling and fits a rock into it and slings it, letting go a little early and frowns.

Early seems to do the trick as the stone hits the rat in his left eye and he holds his eye now screaming in pain and the mouse is forgotten totally as all he seems to want to do now is get pain relief” AHHHHGHHHHHHHHH my eye!”

Zee gasps as he temporally gets the breath knocked out of him and stumbles backwards. The pile of crates fall forwards and whats inside spills out. It looks to be old pictures, plates and a couple odds and ends. Zee grips his staff and slides his paw down the staff as he kicks a picture off his foot.

Leon blinks as he hit the rat with the stone, well sort of hit him.

Bramblefur pants and smirks as he gets his longsword ready, “Well this was fun but now it’s time to die” He says calmly, “I am sure you won’t be missed that much and I will make sure your niece joins you soon enough” He rises the blade to bring it down for the kill.

Zee has one paw on top of the staff and the other on the bottom, a click is heard as he moves his bottom paw with a quick twist and suddenly a long thin blade rapier, a appears suddenly out of the staff. Wait the staff was hollow!! And the blade goes up in an arch towards Bramblefur’s face, if a cut is made it would be in a half X pattern line and wouldn’t be too pretty a sight, it could miss if the wildcat jumps back in time. All this happens in a quick fluid movement of about a second or two.

Bramblefur gets a look of surprise as the blade appears seemly out of thin air and stops mid stab of his own blade, His own blade flies free of his paws as he is disarmed of his weapon. But that’s not all that happens a nasty slash appears from his left chin and goes up and across his snout and on threw his right eye and even clips off half his right ear. He screams in shock and horror as blood pours down his face and he quickly covers it with both paws. He backs off and opens his good eye just enough to see the door to the abandoned warehouse and bolts out of it leaving Jaxon and the one dead rat behind. The other rat gets out a small window and runs off to freedom. If needed he shoves Leon roughly out of the way before pushing a couple others out of the way as he rushes down the street and to path to the mill and then to the river where he disappears into the woods.

Leon gets out of the way but still falls onto his bottom and frowns, he watches as the wildcat runs off and then remembers “Zee…Zee!” He stands and quickly heads inside.

Zee slowly stands up using a couple crates for support and pants as he goes to catch his breath, he still holds the thin blade, a rapier in his paw and the bottom is..wait the top of his staff?! The other part of the hollowed out staff is beside him. ”Stop..yelling…boy. I’m not..deaf”

Leon hurries over and looks in shock at the blade, “That is in your..s..staff? How?!” He checks him for injuries and checks his pulse and breathing.

Zee lets him check him, “Me Uncle Soot were a genius lad.” He pants a little still but oddy for his age his pulse is not too fast and calms fairly well, his breathing is so so. He has a light slash on his lower left arm and some cuts on his upper arms and a bruise on his shoulder but otherwise he seems fine. “And before ya ask, yes I can fight…me nephew may haf a weak heart but I don’t”

Leon looks confused “You know I would say something about the rapier in the staff but no beast would believe me”

Zee slides the rapier back into the hollowed out staff and a click is heard as it re locks into place as the old badger leans on the staff and winks “Wot rapier, I don’t see no weapon lad.” He winks at Leon and stands up walking slowly to the door, “Let’s get ta de infirm Brother Leon and we need to let beats know Bramblefur is far from being a friend to any beast.”

Leon still seems in shock over the staff and then speaks “Well Bramblefur won’t get too far with that would you gave him, his whole face was bleeding fairly bad and I think half his ear is gone”

Zee smirks “It was an improvement” He chuckles and then gets serious as he walks slowly into the infirm, “That wildcat needs found and soon. He is an enemy and not to be trusted.”

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue. The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's[R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Leon nods “I agree and as for the..well staff, I won’t say anything.” As soon as they get to the infirm he will clean the wound and apply needed herbs for infection and swelling and bandage the wound.

Zee sits on a cot and lets him bandage the wound, when done he nods, He looks at Zinnia worried still.

Leon follows Zee's line of vision, "She has not gotten any worse, that’s always a good sign."

Zee nods and slowly lays down on one of the larger cots and is soon asleep. The badger has had enough excitement for one day and needs some rest.