The Funny Pages : A list of things intended to make people laugh out loud. :)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated April 17, 2013 in the category Art and Fiction by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 10 replies.

Wed, 04/17/2013 - 08:04

We've had some slightly stressful posts here on the forums for the past little while, and stress is so not good for you, so I decided to post links to funny pages here on the MUCK and elsewhere. I'm going to be doing pun-pages that I've done, a parody RP that I've done, and outside sources that I think are amusing, aswell as a list of funny books, movies, ect. If you have made anything that fits into these categories, feel free to post the links here! Same with books and things....feel free to add them to your list.  :) See ya on the flip side.

  • Keep laughing!*

Pun pages I've done, and what I stole them from (if I can find them)...

You Know You're Obsessed With Redwall When...

Things I Am No Longer Allowed to Do in Redwall...


Fortunatly, Unfortunatly


Parodies...BEST IDEA EVER!

Super Awesome Redwall Parody

Outside sources...

[3] (OK, some of these really aren't that funny, but allot of them put my Dad in stitches, so they must be at least a little funny....I suggest looking at this site with caution.)

This site is sick!!! [4] :D

[5] (And so's that one! XD)

Books, movies, ect.

Kung Fu Panda (The first one was the funniest, but the second one has its moments.)

Dragonbreath by Ursula Vernon.

Any Redwall book with at least 1 hare in it. X)

The Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus series' by Rick suggestion would be middle school age and older, but that's just my opinion.  :)

The Calvin and Hobbes comic strip by Bill Watterson.

Just about every Muppet movie.

The Muppet Show.

Fraggle Rock.

Happy trails.

See you in the funny pages!

EDIT: I had called him Bill Waterstand, and that's why Wanderer corrected me. So please don't yell at him about correcting me when there was no need...I edited it after he corrected me when I was wrong.  :) (I hope that makes sense...I was feeling a little lousy when I wrote that. :P)
