That little liar!! or Oo...busted!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This was RPed yesterday, but I forgot to log it. Sorry for the delay!  :) I hope you enjoy!

The Ferravale Tavern...*ahem* This place seems to be very popular for meetings...

Scioto is sitting down glaceing at a couple thigs he has written down, he has a half drank glass of ale beside him that looks like its been sitting there awhile, he drums his fingers on the counter top idly as if if helps him think better.

Like happens allot, the tavern door opens, and Ferdinand the ferret guard comes walking in (man, that's getting repetitive), towing a very irritable-looking Blisa behind him. Upon catching sight of her father, the young kitten begins bucking and tugging, hissing and spitting. Ferdinand leans stoicly against the new friction, still tugging the writhing Dibbun in the general direction of Scioto.

Scioto ears move towards the hissing and he looks over and raises an eyebrow, "And what is the trouble if I may ask please, what is going on now?" He folds his paper and puts it aside as he waits for an answer and gives them his full attention.

"Nothing! Ferdy, stop!" Wails Blisa, tugging harder. Ferdinand stops stock still, glowering at a table leg as he answers, "The threw a rock at a thparrow, and when I told her not to, the punched me in the thtomach." The kitten in question wails even louder, making herself cry, saying, "It's not true, I didn't, honest!"

Scioto looks between them not sure whom is telling the truth and who is not, "Ok, I want both sides of this story and now, I try to get along with woodladers here, I do, and some annoy me at times and I have one that may leave, My sister wants to go back to her boat which will upset my head guard.." He sighs and shakes his head then leans back,"Ok start explaining one at a time"

Blisa starts blubbing like a baby and whines. "I was standing around, looking for something to do, when this, um, this, this /eagel/ dove down and attacked me! An', and I hid under a porch until it was gone." "That'th a lie!" Howls Ferdinand, barely waiting for the kitten to finesh talking. "The thparrow thaid, 'Hello, kitty,' and you threw a rock at her! And when I took the next thtone out of your paw, you punched me in the thtomach!" "That's not true!" wails the kitten, tears covering up her...fear? "Then how do you explain the bruithe froming on my belly!" shouts the ferret. They glare for about 3 seconds, and then Blisa dissolves into tears.

Scioto sighs, he then clears his throat, "Blissa, if you did throw the rock you need to tell the sparrow sorry, and was the bird hurt? And you need to tell your guard sorry too, you will one day be leader here, not too soon but when the time comes you need to be wise and, also always tell the truth. Try and get along with all vermin and woodlander alike, not saying be thier best friend,but respect them"

Blisa sniffles and nods. "I missed it." Ferdinand nods. "Yeah, the mithed it by a good 5 feet." the kitten gently hugs the guard, murmering. "Sorry." peeking out at Scioto, she adds, "What if I don't want to be leader? The can I lie?"

Scioto takes a deeo breath and his ears go back, he remais calm best he can, "No..lieing is wrong and should never be done, it makes beasts think badly of you, now you are to help clean up in the tavern today ad help wash dishes, understood?"

Blisa starts to whine, btu then catches the look in her father's eyes, and so thinks better of it. Instead, she nods and, hanging her head and dragging her feet, heads for the kitchen. Ferdinand follows her but, now that all the excitment is over, he is limping. That kitten seems to have a very strong arm.

Scioto shakes his head, "I need my head cook back or least the one that was supposed to be head cook back," He mutters.

Ferdinand, thinking his boss was talking to him, pauses, whips around, winces in pain and asks, "Did you thay thomething to me, Thir?"

Scioto looks at Ferinand, "Just thinking out loud, a hare was going to be head cook and may end up not staying around is all, still have cooks around but she did well with cooking."

Ferdinand glances at Blisa, who is wiping glasses with the barkeep behind the counter. She's fine for right now. "Would you care to talk to thomebeatht, Thir?" he kindly (if hesitantly) asks.

Scioto makes sure not many are around, least its a slow time in the tavern, it wont be here in maybe an hour, "I am fine, I hope she kows she is to help all evening and not just right now, and as for other things I am worried for a friend in the infirm, her leg and collarbone had stab wounds, she is healing but slowly. Also bee asked to do a wedding that may not happen now if one of the ones getting married leaves, but thats the least of my problems."

The ferret guard checks on his little charge again, then sits down so he can see both Scioto and Blisa. "I'm thure it'll all work out fine, Thir. And I'll keep your daughter here and helping until bedtime, I promithe."

Scioto nods "Thank you, I hope she learned her lesson and will not do it again, maybe I will let her go with me to Redwall next time I go, not sure when that will be"

Smiling, Ferdinand watches Blisa be extra-careful with her very fragile task. "I'm thure the'll be thrilled, Thir."

Scioto nods, he then stands "I need to check on Astra, then I will be at home" He exits the tavern, his half drank,now warm ale, still on the table top, he is stoped by a rat and says a few quick words and then heads outside and to the infirm.

Blisa watches her father leave, then gets back to work, enjoying herself slightly, even though she really didn't want to. Ferdinand, brings the ale over and hands it to the barkeep, mentaly wishing he knew what to do to help the Cheiftan.

And so Blisa spent the whole evening washing dishes. Thanks for reading!
