Taking the Potion (Bolts of Chaos TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Nightbreath walks in, without bothering to knock. He strides to the center of the room and indicates for Scioto to sit at one of the chairs at the center before walking to the fireplace and removing a small cauldron from where it hangs over the remains of a fire. He retrieves a glass vial from the folds of his robes and fills it in the cauldron, which he puts back over the ashes in the fireplace. He walks carefully to the Chieftain and offers the vial. "It is done. Drink it all in one swallow, and be sure you have something to catch on if you fall."

Scioto follows the seer into the home and goes to sit down in the chair he is shown, he takes the mixture and looks at it, "Fall?" He seems unsure at first but does as he is told and takes the mixture and swallows.

Nightbreath watches, paws clasped behind his back, a look of trepidation surprisingly evident on his face. Here goes nothing...this potion almost definitely is one-hundred-percent foolproof, but if it backfires...Ferravale may need a new Chieftain.

Scioto catches the look on Nightbreath’s face; did the seer just mess up? Nothing happens right away and then a powerful jolt seems go through the chieftain as he suddenly tenses up, he starts to stand but ends up on his knees and growls as in his mind he is elsewhere, he is not with the seer, least in the house, he is in his own and there is fire, smoke and a crazed insane fox with bolas, he speaks seemly involuntarily,” The fox, he is in my house, my home he has an insane laugh…Noooo, the scene its, the kitten and cat, all the blood. I know her and the kitten, the fox, he’s insane he has killed them..bolas, the home is also engulfed in flame, pain so intense.”, He shakes his head, living it all over again it seems as the memory floods him, each…horrible..detail.. "Dazzle! Maxx! ...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". He also remembers the raven and puts his paws up, luckily not his sword, and swats at nothing at all but to him it’s there! ” Raven, clawed my face, lost my eye”

Nightbreath watches, concerned, not intervening yet. To interfere during the course of the vision would have drastic, horrific results.

Scioto tenses up some as more of the memory happens, "Village was taken over by large monitors and ravens, but the one raven died in the house and, taken I was taken somewhere else and the fight to get the village back, intense lots of death and loss on both sides"

Nightbreath nods. "Yes," He whispers to himself. "And I was ever at your side..."

Scioto begins to get more of the flashbacks, he shakes his head, "Alone in..somewhere, gave up hope but the mouse came and made me see.." He stops "I was needed, all would fail without me..so I was able to better help, shortly after got village back from the monitors and. ", He remembers something also, " Vladmir..he had..had Blisa and was a fight to get her back, abbey helped, we helped them also cause the abbey was attacked but fight was one and Vladimir’s side loss, he lost shortly after that and Blisa was back in Ferravale, all was well again.". He still is not remembering all the details but some main ones yes, he knows more of Blisa now and his family which brings tears as Maxx and Dazzle are gone and the pain of the loss again.

"Aye. That is what happened. This is how it was," .Nightbreath murmurs to himself with evident satisfaction. It worked! The potion worked! Yes! "Rise, Chieftain," He calls out. "Another dose must be taken."

Scioto is a little worn out it seems, a couple other flash backs of the past come to him in a little more detail, he does rise and manages to look around, calming a little as he sees he is in the Seer's house, he wipes his good eye and nods, "Yes, you are correct Nightbreath, I am ready to take another dose"

"This tries your soul and spirit--I know it," Nightbreath murmurs. "But have courage. It is time for your life to return." He fills another vial at the cauldron and brings it to the Chieftain before standing back as he did before, his arms folded behind his back and paws clasped.

Scioto remembers another memory, but more recently, that of the tavern. Takeing a few breaths he speaks again in a daze/dream like state of mind, “I am in the Ferravale Tavern, sitting where I always do and it’s a normal night or so I think, the stoat came up to me acting a little odd, wanted Dragons Breath Ale, I knew nothing of it. The stoat seems to not care too much but seemed interested on ales in general and then he said he wanted the village…my village and he had a dagger and gold. Take the dagger or the gold he said and he had a crossbow with locked bolt in it at his side, he did nothing with it right away, I told him no, plain and simple no..He said fine, die plain and simple die if I didn’t turn over the village to him”

Nightbreath listens.

Scioto goes on, "Again..again my reply..No! He tenses up as he remembers the stoats replay, He said he is Marek..fear him, the bolt was on fire because of the cloth he placed on it and the candle set it ablaze, and..HE FIRED!!!, I ducked and he missed or so I thought when.” . He seems to relive this also...”Hit the casks of ale, wine and..the explosion, more than one, fire and crashing shelves and screaming beasts and thick smoke, the floor, I can’t get out of the way the floor, it gives way. The shelves hit me and My sleeve is on fire and I fall..FALL..what is this, what is this! “ ,He pants “Basement, tavern has an old basement?!The fire, smoke, so hot I hit a dusty floor pain, dizzy and all goes black..pass out or knocked out"

"Ah." Night breath’s eyes spark. He actually saw only a premonition of this happening and wasn't present; interest shows in his gaze.

Scioto shakes his head, "I woke up, not sure how long was out was a lot of..haze..smoke, heat from the fire and". He frowns ."The..tavern collapsed into basement and coughing, can’t break head hurt and chest did, arm was broken but have to get out, not safe there. Celling caving in, must..get out..must..crawl, but its so..small crawling through tunnel” He is silent and seems to be a little stressed “I get out but, its pouring rain, lightning. Thunder, a river and the bank is muddy and gives way and..." He shakes his head." I slip, NOOO!..I can’t..can’t swim, help..HELP! “ He seems to panic and calms some again , “Squirrel, squirrel helped me out of river but drifting in and out of faint ..then was on road..abbey..I woke at the abbey infirm.” The flashback stops there, part of this he did remember before or after the tavern was destroyed but now more details.

Nightbreath jumps a bit at the Chieftain's panic. "The squirrel must've been Oak," He whispers.

Scioto is quiet, the memory still a little fresh in his mind, he shivers some but takes a deep breath and looks at Nightbreath and starts to stand but is a little shaky so sits slowly, "Marek, destroyed my tavern, there was a lot of beasts there when he did. I know some escaped but, others didn’t" ,He stops "Oak?..wait." He then remembers, "That rude, annoying squirrel..merc beast?"

"Affirmative," Nightbreath says with a slight grin. "That was the one. He's brave, though, and tough, so don't be too harsh on him." He pauses and gazes at Scioto. "I'd say that we should hold off on giving you any more potion for now. Too much taken too fast is, well...dangerous." _Lethal_, he thinks to himself.

Scioto nods, he holds his head as he has a headache as he speaks "Yes, perhaps in a couple days I can meet here again, you could come to my office or home, how soon will other memories come, some smaller things are still a little..fuzzy yet"

"Aye." Nightbreath nods and offers a paw to help the Chieftain up. "It is good to see you recovering, Sire. Visit me once a day, each sunset. We'll see how things progress."

Scioto nods, he allows the help up to his footpaws, "Sounds like a good plan, tomorrow night can be the first visit."

Nightbreath nods slowly, then embraces the Chieftain without warning. Wow. Stone-cold Nightbreath showing affection for his liegelord? "It's good to have you back," He says awkwardly as he steps back. "I look forward to fighting alongside you once more."

Scioto is surprised at the embrace and smiles, "It is good to be back Nightbreath."