Return to Arundal Part 2

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Rorgan and Derrin learn that no good deed goes unpunished, and that actions have consequences.

The day goes on with the only major thing being Rorgan and Derrin leaving a badly hurt Diego at the healer's before having to leave the squirrel behind to return to the cart to bring it to the inn to stay the night. The very next day, the party rises early in the morning to start their journey. It's not much further on in the day, the journey being only around 6 or so hours, when they arrive in Arundal again. The first stop the otters make is to drop the cart and Trsk off at the place where they had first gotten both things.

The streets of Silver Valley are busy this morning. Merchants and peddlers try to garner the attention of their pocket books as they pass. As they approach the tavern a weasel is thrown out through the double doors landing face first in the mud. Trsk snickers at the sight. The lizard Trsk doesn't bother saying good bye to the otters. He just puts the cart away with the supplies he has on it and goes to work unloading it.

Keeping with the lizard's example, and not quite wanting to say goodbye to Trsk, the twins simply head off on their own, planning to head back to their parents' house. A little bit later finds them standing in front of the door, knocking on it.

Galah opens the door with an over joyed look. She rushes out and swollows them each up in a big otterly hug before calling out, "Fiagai! The boys are home!" A voice calls out from inside, "Well send them on in! We got some things to talk about..." Inside the humble home the more elderly otter is sitting at the kitchen table across from a tall lithe looking cat. He has gold fur, with white stripes running down his back. His dressed in a brown wool waist coat, a red frilled shirt. He has small wire frame glasses on the end of his nose and a cloth snatchel at his feet. The cat sees them enter and quickly gets up out of his seat to greet them, banging his knee on the table as he does. "Rassle frazzle bleeding..." he says instead, clutching at his knee.

Rorgan grins widely and nods to his mother. "Aye, that would be quite nice, thankee ma." Even after the time he's had with his parents, it's still rather weird to him to utter that word to somebeast. "So wait, our parents are goin' t' be witnesses against the mayor?" Asks Derrin curiously.

Thad raises a paw to the offering of tea, "I'll take some too. And yes. ALL of you. We are going to need all the h-help we can get to make sure Edwin is convicted."

"I can't imagine that it would be too hard to convict scum like that." Fiagai laughs. THe cat smiles fiently and replies, "Don't overestimate our chances. Finding an unbiased jury will be hard. Most beasts here either owe their jobs to the m-mayor, or hate his guts. And then I hit a bit of a snag." The cat pauses as Galah pours him some tea then pours tea to each of them. "Our main witness has gone missing. I believe you met him, Byron Longtail, the sheriff?"

The cat sits back down, rubbing at his knee. He says with a forced smile. "Heh...thanks. I-ts nice to meet you both." The cat offers to shake derrins paw, "I'm Thaddiaus Sharpclaw. I am the lawyer who will be p-prosicuting the mayer, er, ex mayor of course. I j-just stopped by to talk with your parrents about what they will say on the s-stand." Galah walks in back to the tea kettle set over the fire place. "Would you boys like some tea?"

Rorgan grins widely and nods to his mother. "Aye, that would be quite nice, thankee ma." Even after the time he's had with his parents, it's still rather weird to him to utter that word to somebeast. "So wait, our parents are goin' t' be witnesses against the mayor?" Asks Derrin curiously.

Thad raises a paw to the offering of tea, "I'll take some too. And yes. ALL of you. We are going to need all the h-help we can get to make sure Edwin is convicted."

"I can't imagine that it would be too hard to convict scum like that." Fiagai laughs. The cat smiles faintly and replies, "Don't overestimate our chances. Finding an unbiased jury will be hard. Most beasts here either owe their jobs to the m-mayor, or hate his guts. And then I hit a bit of a snag." The cat pauses as Galah pours him some tea then pours tea to each of them. "Our main witness has gone missing. I believe you met him, Byron Longtail, the sheriff?"

Both otters freeze at this question, and they look at each other for several moments before looking at their parents. "Uh..." begins Rorgan. " see...wot happened was...uh.." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, holding his tea with his other paw. Derrin continues for him. "He uh...wanted t' leave Arundal..."

The other otters begin to glance around nervously, rubbing their necks and whistling nonchalantly. "I think I have a patient I need to take care the other room..." Fiagai begins to get up, "Oh, drat, looks like I forgot to stock the fire place with wood I..."

"Stop." The command comes sharply. The cheerful, almost humorous stutter is lost as the cat begins to run a claw around the rim of his tea cup. It doesn't take long to put two and three together here. "Please...please, please tell me that you did not help Byron Longtail, the one and only beast in all of Arundal who knows every dark and dirty deed that Edwin has ever done, escape from Arundal?"

It seems both otters have taken a special interest in their tea. Both of them are staring straight down at the liquid in their cups, and Derrin has since slowly backed away from the cat lest he do anything hasty. "Uh...." begins Rorgan. "Maybe?" He gives a rather sheepish grin, though one that has guilt written all over it.

Thadius's eyes bulge out and he looks like he is about to shred the otter with his claws. Instead he takes a long, long swig of tea, forcing himself to be calm. When he speaks though he fails to emilinate the stress from his voice. He scolds them both like a school teacher to a troublesom dibbun. "You have very well lost us this case." Fiagai is the first to come to the rescue, "But how? He nearly killed us...infront of guards, us, our children...even Tavis and his cronies!"

"All of which amounts to nothing in proving that Edwin tried to commit genocide to found a silver mine. I already talked with Tavis, he only came in to the end of a fight. Yes, its helpful, but you need to remember that Edwin, runs the town. He appointed the judge, he gave every dang blasted shop keeper here their jobs, his brother runs the mine. They may not be on the jury but you can be sure every beast who is will be thinking about losing their job if they convict him because they all work for Edwin's friends!" The cat rubs his eyes, steepeling his paws over his snout as he continues, "Byron was Edwins personal enforcer. The towns folk pushed for the judge to indite him as well for all the things the fox has done at Edwins behalf. If we could get him on the stand we can point out just how much of a crook he is...and before you ask, no, Edwin didn't keep any records of hiring Henri to run off the vermin who lived here. About all we got right now are two arsonists to link him to the warehouse fire..

Rorgan instantly protests. "But wot about Derrin an' I? We heard Henri an' Edwin admit that Edwin was linked t' the attempted genocide! They both said it themselves, an' even our parents can attest as well as the guards that were there! Everybeast heard it, an' it's even why Byron decided t' help us instead of attacking!" Derrin nods in agreement. "I tackled him right after, an' that started the fight!"

The cat raises an eyebrow, "The guards jumped ship shortly before Byron. The jail is being run by volunteers at the moment. And while from a logical point of view, your argument makes sense, the court of law doesn't always rely on convention logic. So unless you both can actually prove in some way or form that the four of you did in fact hear him say these words you are going to go up against his own lawyers who are going to call you laying back stabbing traitors to the city who were caught trying to usurp the mayor's front of a judge who may or may not be in Edwins pocket, with a jury who may or may not be stacked against you." Thad chuckles, leaning back in his chair, "I'll...admit we have a strong case, I just would like it to be a little stronger than what we have now."

Both otters sigh, looking at each other. "Do we have t' go back an' get him then?" Asks Rorgan. Derrin shakes his head, looking back down at his tea. "He knew about this fer sure, so I'm sure he's long gone by now, so that's no longer an option."

Thaddius nods his head, "Sneaky little runt that one. I'm not sure how he found out but by the time we found people to arrest Byron he was already missing from his office." The cat leans back again and gestures idly with his paw, "Speaking of prisoners, we are...kind of low on guards at the moment at the jail. We have Veriken there, those two arsonists, Edwin, and a couple of lizards who barged into the court house spouting gibberish and showing off poorly written notes about some Lizard King Inviting the mayor down to some ruins in Beggar's Pass. Not quite sure what that is about." The cat shrugs, "If any of you two want to vollenteer to help out at the jail, it would be appreciated. I'll see what I can do about hiring a bounty hunter or...something to go track Byron down." Thad sighs, more money coming out of his own pocket.

Rorgan raises an eyebrow at the mentioning of the Lizard King. "Well Trsk would know wot they were talkin' about better than we would. I know wot he's talkin' about, but I don't know who this Lizard King is." He suddenly stops, eyes widening. "I might have an idea, but I pray t' the stars it's wrong..." He looks over at Derrin. "Do you think we should volunteer? I's the least we could do t' help repair some of the chaos our arrival caused." Derrin sighs, shaking his head slowly. "I really don't know Rorgan. We just got back from Ferravale, an' I really don't want t' deal with anythin' at the moment."

Thaddius raises an eyebrow, "Wait...there really /is/ a lizard King somewhere in Beggar's Pass?" Fiagai nods his head in a sagely manner, "Yeah I was surprised to find that out myself." The cat nervously paws at his own shirt cuff, " probably something we don't want to let spread around town." he can already imagine the chaos that would spread. The town is on its last straw before a full scale riot. He doesn't want to know what this particular revelation will cause them to do. "So...Byron wen to Ferreval. That is, useful. What is this...idea you had Rorgan?"

Rorgan cratches the back of his head, setting his tea down on the table, half finished. "Well...I've told my family stories about the adventures I've had, an' a name that came up many times was Dylan Locke." He shakes his head. "It's just a hunch, but I haven't seen or heard from him in a bit, an' we co-own a...uh...guild in Ferravale, so that's unusual. Again, tis just a hunch, but I hope it's wrong. I couldn't imagine Dylan as a lizard king." The thought actually makes him chuckle slightly.

The cat rubs his chin with his white furred paw, "I've heard rumors that there were more ruins in Beggar's Pass than just the castle. Miners sometimes talk about finding lizards down in the mines, or shafts that have already been opened. But...they were just rumors." He shivers at the thought of a horde of lizards living under paw all this time. "Im not really sure how that helps us with our c-current problem though. I don't suppose this Dylan Locke w-will be happy to find out we locked up his messengers."

Rorgan winces. "Aye, no...that might not have been the smartest idea in the world. I could talk t' him fer you, but that's assumin' Dylan's the lizard king, which I'm nowhere close t' being sure of. It just seems plausible t' me." Derrin, completely lost, blurts out, "Alright, that's great t' know, but wot do we need t' be doin' fer the trial? If it's nothin', I would sincerely appreciate bein' able t' sleep fer a good while." Someone seems just slightly cranky...

"There isn't much you two can do, not unless you can find Byron and bring him here with in five days." Thad nods to Galah's statement, "Right, if...y-you want to talk with this Dylan beast and make sure that he isn't planning on leveling the town...or some such nonsense, that would be g-g-good Rorgan. We have no leader and no guard force. If the town were to be attacked..." He gulps. "I'll go to the court and get those lizards released right away." The cat raises again, hitting his leg against the table. He hisses in pain then gets up once more heading for the door while rubbing his leg. Thaddius pauses and turns back for the bag he left behind.

Rorgan is right there with the bag. "I'll come with you in that case," He says, holding out the bag. "I'll try t' speak with the lizards, an' mayhaps I can accompany them back t' their place. I've been there afore, so I know wot t' expect." Derrin begins to step forward as well, but without even turning, Rorgan shoots him down with, "Derrin, yore stayin'. This is a solo job, an' I need you t' make sure nothin' happens t' Ma or Da." He turns, looking at his brother. "I need t' know that they're alright, an' I know you can make that happen." Derrin doesn't even have much of a response, and he has no choice but to sigh and nod.

The cat gratefully takes the bag and smiles. Their parrents smile as well, patting his son on the back Fiagai says, "Don't worry, we will take care of him." Galah grins merclessly, "Yes, while you are here we can discuss why /you/ are not married yet Derrin..."

Derrin's eyes widen in mock terror. "Oh dear stars no, please Rorgan, take me with you!" Rorgan chuckles at his family, quickly realizing how much he cared for them. "I'm not married either Ma, I'm just..." He shrugs. "In a relationship, I think we'll need t' slow the marriage idea down just a bit." He breaks into a laugh.

Thaddius smacks his fore head, "Speaking of wives, I forget to pick up milk from the market for mine." The cat chuckles, "I'll meet you at the jail later Rorgan." The cat walks out of the door then walks back in. "Oh, I should also mention that Tavis has a message for you. He said something about, 'Knowing what you did and planning to strangle you both the next time he sees you." Thad pauses, rubbing his chin, "Oh, now that much more sense, what with Byron and all." He chuckles nervously, adding on the way out. "Charming fellow that one."

Neither otter seems to worried about the mention of Tavis, but Rorgan nods to Thaddius as the cat exits. "I'll meet you later t'day." With that, he closes the door behind the cat and all is now quiet in the house with Derrin and Rorgan looking at each other. "Well...I s'pose you have yer peace now." Remarks Rorgan.


Afteroon rolls over Arundal when the otter arrives at the jail house only to find that he isn't alone here. There is a massive mob gathered around the sheriff's office segregated into woodlanders and vermin. Both seem avid about letting their opinions heard even though its nearly impossible to hear what they are through all the ranting, screaming and in mob arguments. Some call for the sherif to come out so they can hang him, others the same for the prisoners inside. Others yet call for the mayor to be released. Not a single deputee can be seen, and there isn't a militia officer in sight.

Making one's way through an angry mob really isn't the most amazing experience in the world, but he supposes he could deal with it to get inside the jail house without drawing a whole lot of attention to himself, which he certainly didn't want at this point.

Most beasts ignore the otter, at least until he gets closer to the door. Confusing Rorgan as a deputy, or official he is suddenly and with out warning blasted with several questions and demands, "Hey! You! Bring out that lazy fuz ball of a sheriff!" "No bring out the mayor! Let's hang him!" "Vermin scum bag! You won't lay a paw on our mayor!" "Like heck we will you anti vermin jackwagon!" A fist fight starts in the mob between a weasel and mouse and quickly escalates. Several beasts are now being dragged into the fight, but for the moment Rorgan is left alone. For the moment.

Despite being used to things like this, he really can't help but wonder how exactly an otter in leather armor looks like an official. Especially one like him that looks armed for war. "Right..." He mutters, turning and making his way towards the jailhouse again, though one paw drops to his dagger sheath just in case.

The jail house is covered with rotten tomatoes and the door looks like some beast tried to bash it in but failed. The door opens just long enough for a hare to stick his head out the door before trying to sneak along the side of the building. His departure goes completely unnoticed by the brawling beasts around the jail, as does the fact that he left the door unlocked.

The fact that the door had been left unlocked considerably brightens Rorgan's day, seeing as how he had been ready to try to bash the door in to enter. He sneaks a look behind him at the brawling beasts before sneaking like a shadow into the jail house, slowly trying to pull the door closed as much as possible before continuing on.

The sounds of the brawl outside are muffled but still present. The room is a small office with a wooden floor and brick walls. The door to the jail itself is wide open, paperwork is scattered across the floor and it is completely deserted save for one beast. The tip of the ferrets tail can barely be seen under the sheriff's desk. "J-jim? Is that you? What does it look like out there?" A high pitched squeaky female voice calls out.

A rather amused voice responds. "No, it's not Jim, but I can tell you it doesn't look too good out there. You can get out from under the desk by the way." Rorgan chuckles. "I don't think you'll get shot or anythin', though you might want t' try lockin' the door again so you stay that way."

There is a muffled squeak under the desk. A young grey furred ferret with a white patch of fur on her chin appears around the desk. She holds a large wooden cross bow at her hip which shakes about with her nervous paws, "W-who are you?! Why are you here?! What have you done with Jim?!"

Rorgan holds his paws up, though he doesn't appear threatened or scared. "Listen, I don't know who Jim is, but my name is Rorgan Guaire, son of Fiagai and Galah. I'm here lookin' fer two lizards that were imprisoned here recently. They are not criminals, and I'm here t' take them back t' their leader an' hopefully convince him not t' destroy Arundal fer imprisonin' his lizards."

The ferret stands there, still leveling her weapon at the otter. "Fiagai? Galah?" She seems to recognize the names. She certainly seems to recognize the name Rorgan, especially as a sheriff's deputy. The red tunic clad guardsbeast points the cross bow away from the otter. She backs into the wall and slumps to the floor. "Oh blazes you won't know how glad I am to see a freindly face. I've been trapped here for days listening to that crowd outside." Her paws still clutch at the cross bow, which shakes with every tremor and twitch the ferret makes.

Rorgan chuckles, letting his paws drop. "Trust me, I likely do know how glad you are. I nearly got attacked out there by beasts thinkin' I was an official." He shakes his head at the thought. "Stupid blaggards...anyhow, can you take me t' the lizards? I'd be much obliged iffen you did."

The ferret shakes her head, clutching to the cross bow like a life line. The ferret doesn't trust herself to stand let alone walk at the moment, "Just...give me a breather. They are in the back. Shouldn't be too hard to find. We only have four cells." She points the otter to the open door leading to the back of the jail.

The otter nods his thanks to the ferret. "Just...stay down. I don't want any more beasts dyin' if I can help it. An' please, be careful." With that, he walks through the door and into the cell hall to look for his goal.

The jail cell is quiet for the most part. And each cell is filled. Two foxes share the same cell, Vannon laying sprawled out across the straw bed and Veriken standing next to the bars. Across from them Elise shares a cell by herself where she broods in the far corner. Down further is the lizards cell and across from there The ex mayor Edwin is standing in the stock center. When they see the otter enter all chaos erupts. Variken shouts, "You traitorous curs! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Edwin leaps to the bars and snarls, "Peasent! This is all your fault!" The lizards seem to reconize Rorgan as one of the four fabled deadly warriors that attacked their village so long ago and begin hissing loudly. Elise just levels a cold stare at Rogan

Funnily enough, Rorgan doesn't respond to the jailed beasts as he should, but the first thing he does is to walk in front of Elise's cell and crouch down in front of it. "Elise...I know you hate me, but please...I really don't want it to stay this way." He sighs softly. "You know I had no other choice other than killin' him."