Quinten Log 94 - 15 04 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Crater

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

You are on the very top of the mountain of Salamandastron: a large,

bowl-shaped crater. The crater is not smooth, quite the contrary in fact.

Numerous boulders and large chunks of rock are strewn around randomly,

making the crater top just as craggy as any of the mountainside. The

crater provides an outstanding view of the surrounding country. The

sea sprawls off to the west as far as the eye can see, and north and south

along the endlessly rolling sand dunes. In the distant east, a tinge

of green is just visible from this height, marking the vegetation in the

foothills of the Western Mountains.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Dandelion is standing by the edge of the crater, leaning on the rock

and looking out over the forest with a rather distant look on his face,

ears drooping down.

Footsteps can be heard pattering on the stairs and then Quinten moves

into sight, he looks about and upon spotting Dandelion he moves towards

him "Morning Dande" the recruit doesn't sound too enthusiastic in his


"Eh. Hi." Dandelion replies, not turning around to face the other

recruit... rather the opposite in fact.

Quinten looks at Dande and pads up next to him and leans on the rock

"You sound about as good as i feel"

Dandelion shrugs apathetically. "Mmh." he grunts.

Quinten sits down and rests his head on a rock peering up at the other

buck "Wot happened to you? It can't be as bad as wot the Major did to

me and Flaxpaw"

Dandelion starts to turn his head toward Quinten, but quickly looks

away again. "Oh, what'd he do, then?" he asks.

Quinten smiles up sadly "Ripped us to pieces, you know those reports of

ours? the recruit ones which get whiped when we graduate? well mine is

no longer being used, everything i do from now goes right onto my

Dandelion wipes his nose on the back of his paw with an audible

snuffling noise. "Oh." he says, still sounding rather... unenthusiastic.

"Sorry to hear that."

Quinten smiles sadly and nods "Aye, and i'm sorry for whatever happeend

to you as well Dande.2

Dandelion wipes his nose again. "Zeraph... uh... caught me and Dana..."

he mumbles quietly. "In Halyard."

Quinten blinks and sits up slowly "That is no bad thing surely...we all

have permission to go the Halyard for the festival...." he looks up

"Caught you..doing what.."

"Nothing." Dandelion starts. "Well... coming out of the forest..."

Quinten looks at you "Want some advice Dande? just tell the Major

everything...and he might go easy on you"

Dandelion frowns. "But we didn't -do- anything..."

Quinten nods "Then tell him that, make it clear tat you didn't if you

bluster or are nervous he's not going to believe you old bean."

Dandelion sniffles and wipes his nose. "I suppose." he says.

Quinten reaches out a paw and pats your arm "Hey now Dande buck up old

chap, it'll be ok my friend you'll see, thats nothing compared to wot

happened to me"

"Oh? What happened?" Dandelion asks, sounding a little curious now,

but still not turning his head.

Quinten looks up "Flax convinced me to havea drink, i had one too many,

i didn't quite realise how strong it all was....the Major saw us and

ripped us to pieces, that is when he put my reports up and then i had to

tell Gabby...she walked away from me and i've not seen her since."

Dandelion shakes his head a little. "Oh. That's harsh." he says, and

then, after a short pause, "I hope Dana still fancies me after this."

Quinten looks up at you and grins "Don't worry Dande, our does will

spend a few days telling us how stupid we are but they'll come back....i

hope...if they love us that is"

Dandelion sighs deeply. "Hope so." he says gloomily.

Quinten leans back and sighs "Ahhh i am sure it will be fine Dande...."

he doesn't sound too sure though

Dandelion shrugs. "Mmm, I suppose." he mutters. "Worst he can do is

throw me out of the Patrol..."

Quinten nods his head "Aye but i don't think it'll come to that, you've

done nothing to deserve that"

Dandelion turns around, finally revealing his eyes, which are indeed,

as Quinten had probably suspected by now, marked by his having cried.

"Apart from being alone with a doe in the forest."

Quinten nods and sits up "Yes, if you swear nothing happened he'll drop

it, if you evade talking to him then he'll assume the worse"

Dandelion slides down to sit on the rock floor. "Mmm." he mutters.

Quinten stands up slowly and sighs "Damn it why is nothing simple" he

shakes his head.

Dandelion nods. "Mmmh."

You say, "Dande...are you going to the abbey?" attempt to change the

topic maybe"

Dandelion perks up his ears. "No, the major was pretty clear I'm not

going to the Abbey, to Halyard village, or even outside."

Quinten nods his head "He alsmost forced me to stay behind...but he's

letting me go along still"

Dandelion suddenly pauses as a thought strikes him. "Maybe he'll send

Dana there, to separate us?"

Quinten sits up and his ears go right up "What....oh no he'd not be

that cruel surely....he's not seperating me and Gabby.."

Dandelion shrugs. "Hope so."

Quinten nods "I am sure it will be ok Dandelion"

Dandelion nods. "I suppose. I'm just kinda... shook up."

Quinten pats your arm "I know the feeling Dande....i don't have a clue

as to what to do about gabby"

Dandelion says, "Oh, she'll calm down..."

Quinten sighs "I hope so indeed, anyway Dande i have to head on out,

i've got some chores to do"

Dandelion nods. "Sure. I'm gonna sit here for a bit."

Quinten nods and squeezes your shoulder for a moment "See you about

Dande...it will be ok you'll see"

End Log -