Quinten Log 88 - 03 04 2006

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Infirmary

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the infirmary for the long patrol. This room is one of the

most well lit rooms in the whole of Salamandastron, with several candles

placed strategically along the shelves and cupboards. Many wooden beds line

the walls of this room, each outfitted with impeccably clean white linen

sheets. This unfortunately limits the walking space in this room.

Where there are not beds there are shelves and cabinets that hold a variety

of different medical equipment, mostly needles and bandages. A single

stone sink is firmly lodged into one of the counters. The sink is not fancy,

in fact it is quite awkward. It is a necessity, nonetheless. An open

closet is in the corner of the room, storing a surplus of compact cots, in the

unusual case of mass injuries. The room usually has several nurse hares

in it, roaming around tending to various injuries.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Ender is asleep on a cot. Well, he's actually attempting to sleep on a

cot, the tea he just finished keeping his mind from shutting down.

He's thinking hard about something, his ears twitching as his eyes seem to

flick back and forth beneath their lids.

Opens the door and walks inside, moving towards Ender's bed, he's

finally heard the old rabbit is back and has come up to se ehim

Zoe_Lang's usually regular presence has been missing these last few

days. Where she's returned from, who knows? But she's back, and one of her

first stops on her first day back is the infirmary. She stands just

inside the doorway and to the right, surveying those present. She notices

but does not greet Quinten as he passes.

Flaxpaw has left.

Gregorian isn't far behind the rest of them and pauses at the door as

he spots Zoe standing there next to it, quickly looking away and towards

Ender as if he hasn't noticed her.

Ender hears some footpaws padding about, and at first thinks nothing of

it, before at least one set stops near him. The rabbit cracks a

slightly crusty eye open, and immediately closes it when he recognizes the

hare in front of him.

Quinten looks down at Ender "You ok mister Ender? i just heard your

back" he speaks quietly, not having seen the colonel on his way in.

Zoe_Lang returns Gregorian's glance but keeps her silence. Her arms

crossing over her chest, she leans back against the wall and watches the

interaction. Hm.

Gregorian raises a brow as he spots Quinten over with Ender, hmm,

sticking by the door for now even if the colonel is there.

Ender doesn't open his eyes, only twitches his whiskers slightly. This

is the first interaction they've had since his return...since Quinten

helped him leave. Ender decides to think of something else, almost

laughing when he settles on the patheticness of healers today. Except the

Colonel and Athari, if either of them ever showed up. He snorts and

opens his eyes to say something, already forgetting the hare's presence.

The rabbit changes gears immediately. "I'm...fine. Perfect, eh?"

Quinten nods his head and looks worried at the rabbit "So....you...sure

your ok Mister Ender?"

When it seems that all is well between the two, Zoe snorts softly to

herself and, with a shake of her head, disappears over to speak with the

other healers. Catch up on the latest infirmary news, no doubt.

Gregorian glances to the colonel as she moves away and he decides to

finally head in and towards Ender and Quinten.

Ender glares up at the hare, shifting his weight from side to side.

"Look 't me! I'm not, erm, /fine/!" He almost shouts this before seeing

Greg and smiling slightly. "Here's another, erm, fine example of the

hares here." Only semi-sarcastic.

Quinten sighs and his ears wilt back "I am sorry they forced you back

sir, after you got injured" he notices the colonel this time and

grimaces "Oh dear...colonel Zoe.."

Zoe_Lang's ears flick as her name is carried across to her on the wave

of conversation. She doesn't directly look their way, but rather

catches sight of them from the corner of her eye while continuing her

conversation. Sneaky.

Gregorian takes up his place near Quinten and looks to Ender, faint

smirk at the semi-sarcasm from the rabbit "Be nice" glancing to Quinten

then and following his gaze to Zoe "Ah someone could end up in a lot of

trouble here"

Ender looks at his ruined legs, secured tightly to the bed to prevent

his movement, and then back at Greg. "Not me. I'm, erm, punished

enough." They're beginning to sound like dibbuns caught after an incident,

the parent finally showing up. He sniffs.

Quinten looks at Greg "Yes beasts who start spreading lies" he looks at

Greg then back to Ender and reaches out to squeeze his paw "Well sir if

you need anything, i'm here"

Gregorian shakes his head at Quinten "Amount tha's been goin' on don't

think lies are needed even if a beast were goin' tah be foolish enough

tah drop beasts in it" he looks back to Ender again "Would prefer no

one sah, yah should just be left tah get bettah though" voice kept

slightly lower than usual just incase colonel is listening.

Ender hits Quinten's paw in a fairly friendly manner, his eyes saying

otherwise. After pulling both his own paws away from the hare, Ender

just looks at the two, and at the Colonel's back. The Colonel. Grrrr.

"Hm? What? I'll be, erm, in here for longer than I'd like. Much

longer, eh? I could stand a friend." He looks at both of them, slightly


Quinten nods and agrees with Greg in this at least "We should leaveyou

to rest sah" he looks at Greg "I'll not be saying anything, to anyone"

he says quietly, he looks back at Endr "I can see you wish to be alone

sir, i hope you find that friend"

Gregorian nods to Quinten, that's all he really wanted to hear, looking

back to the rabbit he raises a brow at the friend thing, the

distasteful look not going unnoticed "I'll considah it sah" it's not quite a no

get stuffed but it's not accepting the bunny as a friend again either.

Ender looks at the pair and then shifts so his torso, at least, is

facing away from them. He doesn't speak.

Quinten looks down at Ender and half salutes before he reaches out to

place a paw on his shoulder "I am always your friend sah...no matter

what has happened sir..."

Gregorian doesn't say anything more to Ender or at all for that matter,

short glance going back to the healers again.

Ender shakes off Quinten's paw yet again, and tries to calm his

breathing, shifting to face towards the hares, trying to get comfortable.

Quinten sighs and starts to walk towards the door "Well i should go see


Gregorian looks back to Quinten again and gives him a nod "See yah

Quint" he says before looking back to Ender again "How long they say yah

got in here again?"

Ender has his eyes closed, but he still talks. "Three to four, erm,

weeks. Buggerit.

Bandem walks in, paw clamped tight to his left shoulder and favoring

his right footpaw. He half walks, half limps to the cabinet and removes a

roll of bandages.

Quinten stops to let Bandem walk in and shakes his head "I really would

allow the healers to see to your paw Bandem."

Gregorian grabs a chair and move it to a spot next to Ender's cot,

flopping down onto it and looking around the room "Beats bein' dead I


Ender opens his eyes to cast his legs another glance before resuming

his sleepy posture. "Not really, eh? Not having been dead, erm, can't

be sure."

Bandem gives a short shake of the head, ears swinging with the motion.

"H'I'd rather not, wot. Just a jolly scratch." Bandem sits down on a

cot, the sturdy material dimpling where he rests.

Quinten nods his head "Ok sir, if your sure Bandem" he glances at Ender

and half raises a paw as if to say something"

Gregorian seems faintly amused at what Ender says "Fair point sah,

would rathah not know for a while meself"

Ender shrugs slightly. "Wouldn't matter, erm, to me." His breathing

is getting a bit more even, stress slowly fading.

Bandem uses his his left paw to hold the bandage down while wrapping a

slash on the same shoulder.

Quinten:sighs and shakes his head moving over to Ender again and

peering down at him "Do you need anything..."

Zoe_Lang has left.

Gregorian shakes his head "Wouldn't say tha' ol' chap" a glance then

going to Quint as he comes back over before he spots Bandem and raises a

brow "Wot happened tah yah?"

Bandem grunts slightly. "Nothin' much."

Ender props himself up on one unsteady elbow for a moment. "Quinten,

if I need, erm, anything from you, I'll ask, eh?" The rabbit lets his

torso back down, glancing at Bandem.

Quinten nods his head and turns "Ok sir, good day"

Gregorian looks over Bandem and makes note of the bandages "Painful

lookin' nothin'"

Ender sniffs loudly before letting his whole body lose its tension. In

a few moments, he's sleeping.

Bandem ties a knot on the awkward bandage, thinking some rather hateful

thoughts about the curious natures of recruits.

Quinten nods to Bandem and Greg and heads out to class.

End Log -