Pancakes for Breakfast

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

this happened last Saturday IC, I just could not log it then.

Redwall Abbey- Cavern Hole

Flicktail is flicking aroudn cavern hol emaking oatcakes for breakfast'

The sound of happy voices can be heard coming from Great Hall, and then a loud squeal. Casper and Shandar enter, drawn in by the smell of oatcakes. The source of the scream was Shandar, who was attacked from behind by Casper, and the older mouse is now carrying her over his shoulders as she laughs.

Flicktail smiles "Well there is my Prrrrecious" he lays out some fresh oatcakes... "Hello Capser...nice to see you. it appears every beast that can be happy, is happy today

( Casper halts at the sight of the fox, and gently puts Shandar down. "Uh..hello sir..." He doesnt recall meeting Flicktail, and doesnt have any idea how he would know his name, and hes nervous. Around foxes in general, yes, but also the name thing. Shandar tugs Caspers tunic hem. "Cummon, lets go eat. Hes Flicky. I told you about him! Hes nothing like his bruther- dont worry" She waves at Flicktail cheerily, trying to tug Casper forward.  )

Flicktail smiles, he hasbeen eating raspberry preserves and his teeth are stained a deep red "I have heard about you from Shandar, and well others, I am very proud to knwo you, Woudl you and shandar liek some oatcakes?

Ah. That explains it for Casper- He did, after all, tell Elder Benar his name. It would make sense that the Abbey Champion would be told. And the red teeth are slightly off-putting, but that doesnt bother Casper too much. He quirks a grin and allows Shandar to lead him to a chair. Before she can skip off, he grabs the back of her tunic and hauls her onto his lap, tickling her. She laughs again, swatting the air. "Heehee, I was ahaha gonna go an heehee! Hug Flickahaha! Put me down!" Casper complies, and as she runs to hug the fox, he speaks up. "Ah, suppose that was Elder Benar then. Tis a pleasure to meet you, Flicktail! Im famished! Oatcakes sound marvelous."

Flicktail picks up Shandar and hugsher spinning aroudn and around and around in circles with her "love you Precious" he smiles and nuzzles her cheek gently. Then puts her down brining a large stack of pancakes over to them both with maple syrup

Shandar laughs, and when she is put down, she takes a moment to get her balance, then clambers up into a chair next to Casper, who smiles at her, happy to see her happy. He takes a plate and layers a few pancakes on it, with some syrup on the side. Shandar follows his example, and when he passes the maple, she drenches her pancakes in it, and he laughs at the lake of syrup she has created. "Can you even eat all that?" Shandar winks at him. "Watch me."

Flicktail says, "I am glad you will give me a chance casper...Shandar is one of my most special beasts, a real smart mouse that one"

"One of your most special beasts?' Casper inquires, looking at his sister, wondering what on earth she hasnt told him. She doesnt look up from her pancakes, swinging her footpaws under the table as they hang over the chair edge.

Flicktail chuckles and nods "yes, she teaches me how to play a mandolin, She sings for me, and she always makes me happy

Shandar nods as Casper looks at her. "You still play? You hadnt said! Youll have to play for me sometime. Then I can teach you to play my reed flute if you still wish. Can whittle those things faster n anything."Shandar smiles. "Oh yes, Please!" Casper turns back to the fox, patting Shandars head. "Well, Im glad shes been good. She can be quite the troublemaker when she wants to be."Shandar rolls her eyes as she scarfs down another pancake. "s'No worse'n you."

Flicktail takes out a box coverd in cloth and sets it before Shandar.

Shandar puts her fork down and looks at the box quizzically. “What is it?” Casper interrupts. “Tis a box, silly.” Shandar glares at him, then breaks into a smile, not actually mad. “Well, duh.” She leans forward in her chair to see it better. “Can I open it?” She asks, looking at Flicktail, one paw on either side, left and right, of the box, hesitating to pick it up.

Flicktail says, "well it's yours" he chuckles teasing her "I suppose you can do witever you like with it,...."

Shandar grins and pulls the lid off, holding her breath. Casper laughs. “Brilliant, Flicktail. I say, do you mind if I call you Flick?” He finishes his pancakes, dipping his last piece into his sister’s syrup.

Flicktail says, "I prefer Flicky" he chuckles as Shndar see's a very elaborate mandolyn. it is made out of bass wood richly stained, and Flicktail has carved beasts from the abbey in the body and neck, There is even Casper pn the front, a Sparra from the loft on the neck, there are pretty polished stones in teh front and he has inlaid mahogany wood and oak and birch to make a very expensive pretty mandlin"

Flicktail piles more oatcakeson theiorplates

Shandar gasps, and falls back into her chair. “Oh my Martin….Oh, Flicky! Tis /beautiful!/” She stares at it for a few more seconds, then picks it up reverently., running her paws along it. “Look! There’s you!” She points at Casper, showing it to him. Casper smiles. “Flicky it is then. Well, so I am there.” He looks impressed. “Very well done, Flicky!” Shandar cant get herself to put it down, so she takes it with her as she gets up to hug Flicktail. “Thank you, Flicky!”

Flicktail smiles beaming, and hands her a soft velvet sling for it. Near the opening is Elder Benar, and at the base it's Shandar with her friends playing aroudn her, including Benick and Luna, Zarok and Fourstome and Shandars other friend he always see's her with and maple leafs, and acorsm "It was what I saw when I llook at you Shandar, I'd have gotten Casper one but he'd look silly with a Mandolin he can't play

Casper had his nose in a beaker of water, and he nearly chokes with laughter. “You said it, Flicky! I haven’t played one in years- never really liked the mandolin. Shan always loved it, though.” Shandar doesn’t really notice her brother talking. Shes examining the patterns on the velvet strap, which she has attached to the mandolin. Walking back to her chair, she very nearly walks past it, not paying any attention to her surroundings. Crawling back into the chair, she blinks, looking back up. “How’d you do all this? This is amazing, Flicky! Thank you so much!” Casper prods her side. “Are you gonna play it or not?”

Flicktail says, "When I became agood beast, an otter showed me how to carpenter, i carp...and I whittle..i whittled that out o one pieace o bass wood for you....I takled to a muscician beast and they said that be the BESt wood to use"

Shandar grins as she slips the mandolin strap over her head. “Thank you, again.” She stands, and skips off. Casper stands as well, pushing his chair back from the table. “And there she goes, to write some new song.” He smiles fondly at her retreating form. “I’ve got to go and take care of a few things. Thank you for taking care of Shan. She really enjoys it here. And it was a pleasure to meet you.” He waves as he follows his sister, digging his reed flute from his bag.