Old Places and New Friends

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters: Xia, Amethyst Tazan

Location: Ferravale - Marketplace

Xia figures that she is a merchant. Or at least might as well be. One thing for sure though no woodlander would be caught dead buying from this vixen. The fox whistles merrily as she exits the back alley of the restaurant. Her tail swooshes back and forth happily as she counts her ferrin coins. It felt so good to be in money these days. It was rather obvious too the passing beast that Xia was rather successful.

The vixen was a rather portly and well fed beast. Layers of flesh were starting to creep up from her stomach to her flank and even chin. Despite this the fat fox stepped lightly as she trotted through the market place, craddling her halberd over one shoulder as she whistled merrily down the street.

Amethyst taps her makeshift walking stick along the path. She half remembers the way to the market. Though she suspects it's changed a bit since she was here last. She once lived on his street a near the Seamstress' shop. The blind ratwife sniffs the air taking in the aroma of spices and vermin milling about. She doesn't notice the fox's rolls of fat, but she does take note of the vixen all the same. "Business doing well I take it," she comments to nobeast in particular.

The fox turns her head towards the rat. She might also smell of wood pigeon and sparrow as well as a few fine choice perfumes. Setting the halberd on the ground and leaning against it the vixen cracks a smile, "I suppose you could say that." Or at least depending on what you call successfull. For the fox though, after going so long with out being able to buy simple bread, a job that pays more in food than gold IS successful. "Why do you ask?" She asked a bit nervously.

"Oi used t be from ere once. Wondered 'ow things been in th mentimes," Amy replies off handily. "Wot yew afeared o a blindbeast o somemat?" she jokes picking on the vixen's tone.

The vixen leans back slightly then narrows her eyes, "The only thing I'm afraid about you is that a stiff breeze might blow your old tail over." Xia shifted her bulk to the other side, away from her weapon, "Yew used to live here? As in, you came BACK. Wow, I can't imagine why anyone would want to come back to any part of these woods, let alone here."

It's a good thing the rat can't seen the fox roll her eyes. Xia hoped to high heaven that she would not ramble on about the glory days when she reached the rat's age. Still, the vixen smiled. She could appreciate a firecracker personality. "I guess you could say I'm in the meat market." The fox's tail swooshed lazily behind her as she examined one of her claws. "I catch birds, sell them to taverns and eateries."

Finishing her examination of her claw Xia continued, "It's not the most glamorous profession but it beats bounty hunting."

The fox raises an eyebrow. Taking a most defiant stance the fox places her free paw on her pudgy hip. "And prey tell what makes you that YOU are worthy to hear my name?" The bird catcher gives the rat a toothy smile, moving out of the way for a fellow fox to pass by. Ah yes, the troubles with having a conversation on the open street. "And...yeah I thought about opening up my own stall but..." The fox shrugs, "I jsut didn't want to deal with the hassle of keeping it open." Although she admits it is a good idea...

Amethyst smiles showing yellowed fangs. "Never said Oi was," she replied with a shrug as she moved aside for the pawtraffic. "Though I suppose I'd know yew without a name iffen Oi needed t find yew," she says simply.

"Heh," The fox said simply, "I imagine you could." She smiled to the old rat and began walking away. "It's Xia. See you around you old goat."

"Perhaps yew will, young pigeon catcher," the rat answered as she walked off to see if the bakery was still where she remember it being. It was high time she tracked down a certain stoat.
