Newcomer and a 'Grand Tour'

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This happened on Sunday IC

Redwall Abbey- Main Gate

Edwin looks up to see both mousemaids at the gate. "Hello," he says nervously.

Marlena has just gotten out for a short walk when she spots Edwin and nods "Hello there"

Edwin smiles. "Do you live here?" His eyes keep gazing at the massive Abbey gates.

Shandar is holding her older brother's hand, mandolin over her shoulder, and she waves at Marlena, whispering to Casper who it is, as he doesn't know many beasts at the abbey yet, and then she turns her wave to the hedgehog. "Hello." She looks up at the sky- slightly grey, and chilly, but no sign of snow. "We were just gonna go out for a walk. And yes, I suppose we live here."

Marlena answers as well, "I am just visiting right now"

Edwin nods to both mousemaidens. "Ah, I see. I was hoping to explore the Abbey.I grew up hearing of it, but had never seen it with my own eyes."

Edwin says, "My name is Edwin, by the way. Edwin Silverspike."

Shandar smiles. "Oh, do come in then. I suppose our walk can be put off. The abbey is marvelous!" Casper nods. "Aye. I've only been here a few days, and tis very pretty. I'm Casper. And this nuisance here is little sister Shandar. Shan and Cas to our friends." He smiles at Shandar, and tugs her paw as he turns towards the gates. "Suppose you wouldnt mind giving me and Edwin that tour you were talking about?"

Edwin says, "Pleased to meet you. Yes, I would love the grand tour!"

( Casper waves to the guard on gate duty as the squirrel pulls the main gates open for them once more. "Cummon then, Edwin. I've yet to see quite a few places, and Shan has been here for awhile, so she knows all the nooks and crannies. Tis up to her to not get lost." He chuckles. "So, where're you from?"  )

Edwin says, "I grew up pretty far away... past the plains. I'm actually looking for a new home."

Edwin follows Shandar, Casper and Marlena into the Abbey.

Redwall Abbey- Entryway

( Casper nods. "Aye, we aren't from here, either, but  not as far as the plains, and definitely not past it!" Shandar puts her free paw out, offering to take Edwin's. "Cas promised we could stay here until I'm older. You can stay here, too!" The squirrel guard nods at them as they pass, giving Shandar an odd look, which she either ignores or doesnt notice.  )

Edwin shakes paws with Shandar and smiles. His eyes keeps darting over the scene, from the small pond to the gardens, and then to the Great Hall rising above the Abbey walls.

Edwin asks, "Where should we begin?"

Shandar shrugs. "What takes your interest?" Casper releases his sister's paw to draw his cloak tighter about himself. "I certainly don't care. Anywhere but the kitchens. That sister was quite upset about the nut fiasco you started, Shan." He laughs.

Edwin keeps glancing over at the Great Hall. "Could we start indoors? It's getting a bit chilly."

Shandar motions for them both to follow her. "Cummon then! Twill be fun! We can start in Great Hall!" She runs inside, Casper following at a slower walk behind her.

Edwin follows in suit behidn Shandar and Casper.

Redwall Abbey- Great Hall

"This." Shandar spreads her paws wide. "is Great Hall. And that" She points at the tapestry, her voice reverent. "is Martin the Warrior." Casper does a double take as he sees the tapestry. He's only ever been in the Great Hall in passing.

Edwin takes in the scene, looking upon the vibrant floorstones, gazing upwards to the stained glass windows and finally resting his eyes on the tapestry. "Wow.What an incredible tapestry." He pauses. "I'm familiar with the stories of Martin... but to see the tapestry here... incredible."

Shandar nods. “I know, right? I love to play in here.” Casper tackles her from behind, tickling her as she laughs uncontrollably. “Why didnt you tell me about the tapestry? You know I /loved/ to hear Da talk about Gonff! And he was one of Martins friends! Da used to say we were even /related/ to the POM! You used to steal my stuff pretending to be Gonff! And you didnt /tell/ me about the tapestry? You little forgetful dibbun!” Shandar waves her paws about, trying and failing to calm enough to talk. Casper sets her back on the ground and turns to the hedgehog. "It is incredible, isnt it. All those stories and everything, and heres the tapestry. Amazing."

Edwin nods in agreement with Casper and looks toward the stairs. He asks, "What's up there?"

Shandar calms enough to talk. "Um....a lot of stuff." She counts off on her claws. "All the dormitories, infirmary, attics, schoolroom, offices, and pretty much everything else but Cavern Hole, the library, belltower, and kitchen. And you know. Outdoor stuff is outside. We c'n cover /that/ stuff later."

here we stopped- both of us had to leave. IC, though, I'm sure, Shandar dragged them around all over the Abbey. ;)