Never thought Sariel would have something to hide.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Abbey- Infirmary Recovery

Sariel, Shandar (+Casper and Ahndia)

"You're all good to go, Sariel" an Infirmary aide can be heard saying "Don't go vaulting out of any trees in the near future though, okay?" "Okay, sister, thanks so much!" He shakes the Abbey sister's paw. Suddenly Sariel feels a change in the atmosphere of the room and stiffens sniffing a little as if to try and smell what changed.

Shandar enters holding the paw of Casper and Ahndia. She tugs Ahndia's paw as she sees Sariel, and Ahndia twitches her tail, not bothering to look at her friend. "Hi Sariel. Where've you been? We were lookin for you!"

Sariel spins on his heel hearing Ahndia's voice. For a split second, focus is the only thing expressed on his face but soon fades into joy. He hasn't seen his friends in a while. His posture is shy at best, he may not be good at hiding the fact that he's hiding something but he's darn good at hiding what he's hiding. Scanning the room in an instant he realizes that he's never met Casper before but if he's a friend of Shandar and Ahndia's, Sariel's bound to end up being his friend too. "I uh... well, short answer is around... I guess" He's not sure why words are so hard to find all of a sudden "How are you?" he asks totally not realizing that he has forgotten to greet either Casper or Shandar.

Ahndia shrugs. "Im good. Why are the infirmary?" Shandar pays more attention to the 'around' bit- she wants to know /where/ and /why/. Casper maintains his silence, though he smiles faintly as Ahndia brightens up when she talks to Sariel.

Leon enters the infirmary to check on the beasts here, he lays a tray down he has and looks around the room.

Sariel shrugs "Well, apparantly it's procedure to get check ups until you're better. Those bruises from falling out of the tree a while ago, that's what they were making sure was all healed." He internally winces rebuffing himself with "come on, Sar, you can talk better than that." He knows that his normal self would run up and give Ahndia a hug followed by Shandar and immediately demand an introduction to the newcomer, Casper (He hasen't even noticed Leon yet) but something is causing him to fall back into his overly-shy side... again.

Shandar crosses her arms, doubtful. Ahndia gives it no second thought, although of her and Shandar, she should be more likely to question the check-ups, considering she's lived at the abbey her whole life and her mother is a sister in the infirmary. "Uh...will it hurt if I hug you?"

Sariel shakes his head "I don't think so, it didn't seem to be too bad from the start, but it's all good now" He gives the other squirrel a big hug. As he does he notices the crossed arms of his other friend and mouths "what?" to her making a face.

Ahndia hugs him back, happy he's alright. Shandar wrinkles her nose at Sariel, mouthing back. "Check ups? /really./" Casper pushes her gently, a silent admonish, and she pinches him in return, eliciting an 'ouch!'

Sariel is really trying to get back into his normal self but it seems kind of forced. He breaks out into a grin at Shandar's remark, knowing he won't be able to snow anyone for very long while she's around. For now he just lets his grin be the answer. "I'm sorry I fell off the map, guys." Sariel apologizes "I hope I didn't worry you too badly"

Ahndia releases Sariel and stands between him and Shandar. "Tis fine. At least we found you." She smiles, and Shandar rolls her eyes, making Casper snort. He decides to speak up. "Why dont we go somewhere not here? Dont like the way this place smells. All herbs and medicine."

Sariel nods toward Casper "Good idea... uh... insert your name here" he says grinning, knowing that his comment sounded silly. "where you guys want to go?"

(Casper laughs outright. "Haha, nice job. My name is Casper." Shandar holds up a paw to Casper's face. "His fur is a copy of mine." Casper tickles her, picking her up and turning her upside-down as he turns to leave. "I was the first- your fur came from mine!" Ahndia giggles, explaining further. "Cas is Shan's older brother. He's got a very interesting story. Kind of sad, though." She reaches for Sariel's paw. "Shall we follow them?" )

Redwall Abbey- Great Hall

Sariel listens to Ahndia explain Casper and Shandar's siblingship as they walk, he's mostly quiet with a few intersperced questions which are well answered by Ahndia. "So you have a brother, Shan? That's so cool!"

(Casper puts Shandar down so she can talk. "Yeah! Tis...a long story." She grows somewhat sad, and it shows on her face, until her brother pats her head, and then she makes a face at him. "As annoying as ever. You never lost /that/, Cas." )

"Well I'm Sariel, Casper" He says, introducing himself and holding a paw out to the mouse. He notices Shandar's sadness and his heart goes out to his friend, yet, he doesn't do anything figuring that especially if it's in public, Shandar will try to joke off anything he may otherwise be able to do

(Casper also notices Shandar, more /feels/ it than /sees/ it, being her brother. Also being her brother, he knows she'll claw his face out if he speaks about it. Instead, he shakes Sariel's paw and gives Shandar a hug, which she appreciates very much. "Sariel, then. Nice name. How'd you get to be here?" )

Sariel shrugs, replying "It's a long story, probably better told over tea by a fire." He smiles "Remind me sometime, when we have more... well... time, and I'll be happy to tell you." Sariel returns to standing over next to Ahndia and smiles at his friends, though studying the newest one all the same. Sariel seems more intense after his disappearing act, less jovial. "Though, I'm guessing you didn't just stumble into the abbey and happen to find your sister here so, maybe we'll have to trade stories huh?" he remarks to Casper

(Casper nods. "Aye. Some other time." He doesn't notice Sariel's change- he never knew the squirrel before now, but who does notice? Shandar and Ahndia. Shandar looks at Ahndia, and Ahndia swirls her tail thoughtfully. No, she doesn't know what has changed. Does Shandar? Nope. And how will they go about finding out what happened? Improvise Plan A! Shandar decides she's hungry. "Im gonna go get snacks. Bye all!" She jogs off to the kitchen, and a perplexed brother watches her leave. Shandar is going to get snacks, yes- but also ask around! Beasts at the abbey love gossip and story telling. )