Late Night Visitor

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]


Scioto pushes open the door of the tavern and goes to sit in his normal spot; he gets his ale and sips it as he glances around the tavern.

Bek is already here, drinking a 3nd ale of some sort and his hood is down over his shoulders for once.

Scioto looks over at Bek "Hello..I am guessing your new around here, but seem familiar somehow"

Bek speaks now, "Yeah have been bein' here before, Bek..yes I have hood what"

Scioto shakes his head "I didn’t say anything was the matter now did I"

Bek watches the cat and finishes his ale, " were not doing that. Tonight just calls for ale..good ale"

Scioto shakes his head again and drinks his own ale muttering something about how woodlanders are annoying sometimes.

Bek looks around the tavern now studying the beasts inside and those entering and exiting the tavern.

Zee slowly walks into the room, the almost deafing clack of his comically large cane making his presence in the room rather obvious, the badger slowly makes his way to a bar stool, conking a ferret on the head who dared attempt to rob him of his valuables (which really aren't that valuable in the scheme of things) after a full minute, he finally makes it to one of the bar stools. The clearly travel-worn elderly badger orders a half pint of ale, dropping a few coppers too many on the table; not bothering to correct the badger, the bartender takes the coppers and gives him a drink. He turns to his stool neighborhood who just happens to be Scioto and mutters a customary. "Evening" before starting on his ale

Scioto first hears the badger and then watches as he sits down and raises an eyebrow at him, he seems to almost forget to return the hello and finally does, "Greetings..don't usually see many badgers around..or in a place like this."

Bek watches the badger and chuckles softly, "Maybe he not seeing well to know where being yes?"

Zee shrugs. "I suppose you don't see a lot of badgers anywhere really" he sips his ale, muttering something about ale being better back in his day, which gets a harsh glare from the bartender. The badger ignores the glare and continues. "I have traveled, traveled a far distance to see my nephews at Redwall Abbey".

Scioto hmms "And how far is far..exactly, not to sound harsh but your age couldn’t of gotten you far..unless you been traveling awhile"

Bek says, "Badgers are being few most places..this not bein' first I have seen a badger before."

Zee nods. "I've been traveling for quite some time now. On foot mostly, but a few dozen miles back a caravan trader was polite enough to escort me here. Only half a day’s journey from Redwall, though I will have to rest here as I do not travel at night". He pauses, seeming to gaze off in remembrance of something, but it becomes quickly apparent that the badger is asleep.

Scioto raises an eyebrow and taps the badger carefully on the shoulder and waits.

Bek snorts and gets his 4th ale of the evening, well he has the coin for it and after he gets the ale he downs it as he coughs some “I be careful with a badger...then again this one is like..old"

Zee responds well to the chieftain’s prodding, waking up as if nothing had happened. "I apologize, my good sir. In my old age consciousness is not always something that is afforded to me" he takes another swig of ale. "We have not formally met, my name is Zee of Send"

Scioto hmms "I have heard of Send before, up in the snowy northlands. I can allow you to rest here..well not here in a room at the inn for a fair price."

Bek says, "Wouldn’t that being dangerous to sleep suddenly in say..fight? Vermin like to rob beasts and may see that as an easy target"

Zee raises an eyebrow at the otter. "Sleep during a fight? Mind you my fighting days are long past, but believe me when I say I am capable of handling myself against some petty mugger and that ferret holding his nose in his paw in the corner knows all too well". Indeed, the ferret of which Zee spoke was still holding his nose, wincing in pain. Apparently the faces of ferrets do not agree all too well with giant oaken staves. "Of course" he told Scioto. "I have more than enough coin for a room, your hospitality is appreciated Mr.....?"

Bramblefur enters the tavern looking around and walks to a table, beside him is a rat and a weasel as they all sit down and order some ale, the weasel looks over and speaks "Errr...boss there is a str...umm badger over thee" The wildcat looks over "So, let him stay over there"

Scioto notices the wildcat as he speaks, "I am Scioto, chieftain of Ferravale. Ferravale is the village you are in right now sir badger."

Bek smirks "I get old don’t judging book by cover, yeah yeah..sides also few mess with badgers anyways as usually doesn’t end well."

Zee nods to Scioto. "Of course, Ferravale; really the only place 'round here besides Redwall of any mention" his voice almost seems to glaze over in memory. "But I do remember a village 'round here that used to have some comings and goings. Place was called Mapleleaf. Run by stern, but polite woodland types. Had some vermin guards though. Knew a few beasts from there...." he rambles on a few minutes not noticing that he has put some of the other patrons in the bar to sleep. "...and that fellow, now he was a character. But that's another story for another time. Mossflower has quite the history, but you can't tell it all at once" He sips his ale, while others have finished five or six ales in the time that he spoke, the elderly badger himself is clearly much slower.

Bramblefur is curious of the badger but only slightly as he is here to have a meeting with a rat and weasel from a guild.

Scioto nods "Never heard of it myself, you said you know beasts in the abbey? I do know some badgers are there and even meet them before."

Bek nods "I can confirm one badger there anyways..dibbun caretaker be thinking as they had dis feast and he was keeping dibbuns under that takes much skill."

Zee nods. "Yes, those are the ones. My nephews Ozzie and Zork. Those two boys have done good on their father. Their father was my brother Powell" he starts to tell a story of Powell's youth but once again falls asleep. When he awakens a few minutes later, he just sips his ale, apparently forgetting what he was talking about.

Scioto nods, "Interesting..guess a clan of badgers lived in the snowy north. "

Bramblefur drinks an ale and looks over at the group of beasts as he has finishes his own meeting and shoos the weasel and rat off before standing and walking over to them.

Bek listens, and seeing Bramblefur he stands and nods "Sir.." He says quietly.

Bramblefur nods to Bek, “Good eve." He simply says and leaves it at that.

Bek bows to Bramblefur as he places his arm over his chest and excuses himself, he does have a couple things to do before he retires for the night.

Zee now notices the wildcat and is surprised by his presence, not so much so as to be scared, but surprised. "Evening". It is remarkable how slow the badger drinks, as he is not even halfway done with his half pint of ale. He takes another sip as he watches Bek leave. "Peculiar fellow"

Scioto asks, "Hello Bramblefur, how are you this evening?"

Bramblefur answers, "I am doing well Scioto. I see the village has a guest, I do advise on travel at too late an hour, not always safe in the village..more so at night."

Zee nods. "I don't travel at night as a personal preference. The dark....worries me" It is almost expected of the badger to come up with a long winded story as to why he does not like the dark, but he does not. He simply continues drinking his ale.

Scioto nods and looks at Zee, "The inn is right beside the tavern, the inn keeper is Liam." He stands "Speaking of the late hour I need to get home myself"

Bramblefur nods to the both of them as he bows in respect and then heads to the doorway.

Zee soon finishes his ale and slowly stands and makes his way to the entry of the tavern and on to the Inn to get his room, first paying the needed coins for the room and then getting to his room slowly.

Scioto does make sure the badger gets safely to the room at the Inn and then he himself heads home for the evening.