Good Info or Bad Info?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Muenster is here drinking strong ale; he has a poorly bandaged shoulder from a recent attack and looks rather annoyed.

Nightbreath enters the room, wearing a mottled gray-and-brown cloak with the hood up. He has his hood up.

Muenster glances over at the cloaked figure as he sips his ale and drinks it down and orders another one.

Nightbreath sits down at a corner table, silent as a shadow, perhaps even quieter, and then begins casting something onto the table, picking it up, and repeating. Over and over.

Drake slips into the gull quietly, he looks around and goes to a table near the bar area and sits down, a hood on for now.

Redfang comes down from one of the upstairs rooms, where he was taking a nap, still rubbing his eyes sleepily. He goes and sits at the bar, ordering a drink. If he notices the other creatures in the tavern, he doesn't show it, save for his boss, to whom he gives a brief nod.

Nightbreath stops doing what he is doing and glances at Drake, raises his eyebrows, then returns to what he is doing. He also gives Redfang a swift gaze.

Muenster is drinking his 2nd ale and nods to Redfang, "Ello." He says in a flat tone.

Drake turns as he hears Muenster's voice, he stays where he is and gets a glass of mead and drinks it, he coughs a little as he speaks quietly, "Slow night seems...maybe boring even. “He groans quietly and quickly sips his drink.

Redfang would wave to Muenster, but his paws are full pouring himself a drink, so he responds with, "'Eya boss."

Nightbreath murmurs, as if to himself, "So many here with dark fates...if only they knew."

Muenster looks at Nightbreath with an odd look, he nods to Redfang and looks to Drake, “Slow? Maybe now but I have plans. Good plans that will cause many ta fear me.", He smiles coldly.

Nightbreath laughs grimly. "Fear ye...Ye should be the fearful one."

Drake frowns, well was his idea to be here so, "Yeah, plans are always good, but that umm…Abbey place will stop ya, with all the guards and stuff, see that’s what the chieftain is looking at for protecting his child. “ He keeps his hood up so his ID is hidden and drinks another drink, slightly stronger ale this time., "And they have this like large badger, strong creatures."

Muenster chuckles coldly, "I don't fear Badgers, or no one at Redwall, I could easily get inside those goodie goods place all, peaceful and...And foolish, “A sly cold smile forms, "Only when to, see they have the child, I know they do and I WILL have it back, and then they will know whom is in control and who is not.", He sounds confident in his actions.

Nightbreath laughs. "Fool."

Drake drinks down his ale and shrugs, he finishes it, "Well as I see it they be protecting that child, probably with that badger or the abbot. “ He waits on a response.

Nightbreath looks at Drake. "I know that voice..."

Muenster smirks, "Well maybe I could get the abbot as well, and kill a badger. " He chuckles coldly, "Be a big win for me...they won't know what hit them and when they do be too late.", He sneers, "Now if only something come up ta make this night better, see I am also after a vixen by the name of Jazmyne...seen her? Anyone?"

Nightbreath laughs. "Ye will not see her...How could ye when ye are too blind to see thine own fate..."

Drake stays quiet until it's needed, at the mention of the vixen he looks at Muenster, he orders another ale and drinks it all before he speaks, ..."I..may have. “, He speaks slowly, seems he is unsure of himself on the info of the vixen.

Nightbreath recognizes Drake now, remembering hearing him speak in Ferravale.Nightbreath says quietly, "Speak not...turncoat."

Muenster glares at Nightbreath, "My fate?..My fate is power, great power and beast who quake with fear when they see me...", He looks to the cloaked Drake, "You know where the..Jazmyne is?..Do tell."

Nightbreath twirls his dagger. "Power? Hah."

Drake stays calm as Nightbreath speaks, his eyes meet Muenster's now, "I said I might. “ He goes quiet and stands, he has spent enough time in here, and he shakes his head and mutters before heading to the door.

Nightbreath stares muenster in the eye..wondering.

Muenster watches Drake and grins, "You don't like the vixen do you? You hate her....perhaps I can help you, just tell me where she is and I will pay you greatly.", He slips out a couple gold coins and lays them down, he adds a third and smiles oddly. "Remember yet?", He sets out another gold coin, ..""

Drake eyes light up at the gold when he turns around, he walks back over slowly and, "I...", He shakes his head, but the gold seems tempting to him. "Probably left now."

Nightbreath snarls...."Only beast I want to kill is here before me now."

Muenster grins and sits out another couple coins, "6 want it, info..", He looks at Nightbreath and growls low, but he keeps his ears to Drake.

Drake closes his eyes he starts to back up and then opens them slowly, he says nothing, "I should go, need to be somewhere else now," , Its -VERY- clear he is having a hard time walking away.

Nightbreath looks at Drake. "Flee. Ye will only regret what ye may do here."

Nightbreath bares his jagged, bladelike teeth.

Drake stands up taller, "I am not here too....the vixen is in. ".He doesn't finish and stops there.

Nightbreath looks tense...and confused.

Muenster stands, he glances at Nightbreath, "I don't flee and I will win." He smiles at Drake, "Go on and the gold is yours lad....tell me."

Drake looks at Nightbreath and frowns, he looks at Muenster and the gold. "I do know...where she is, I am not a friend of her's....even though was told to be."

Muenster smiles at Drake and shows the gold in his paw, "Take it after the info is given."

Nightbreath watches to see how this plays out.

Drake seems to tense up, he grab the gold quickly, "She is in Ferravale..stupid vixen tricked me, do whatever with her." , His anger shows now and his deep hate of the vixen is still there.

Nightbreath curses quietly.

Muenster chuckles coldly now, one of those laughs that might make some run or be afraid, one rat does get away from the fox and goes to another chair..

Perhaps sensing the rising tensions in the room, or perhaps just out of money for drink, Redfang turns to face the others, slightly wobbly from the rum he's consumed.

Drake lets his paw close around the gold, he frowns slightly but is silent along time, he growls and kicks a chair on his way out of the gull.

Nightbreath fears no beast upon this earth.

Drake leaves the Gull and heads to the road, he disappears out the door.

Nightbreath calls after him "I warned ye.", He grabs a glass bottle from the bar, and hefts it, murmuring.

Muenster watches Drake leave and grins, he orders an ale and drinks it quietly.. "Victory and revenge will soon be mine."

Nightbreath nods. "Aye, but it shalt be the vengeance of other beasts..Their victory, too."

Muenster looks over at Nightbreath, "You’re an interesting beast, but see I am Muenster, beasts fear me and soon...I shall have my revenge, my power and maybe even more, my plans grow."

Nightbreath says, "Nay, ye soon will be muenster the corpse...That be thine fate."

Redfang listens as his employer rambles on about his grand plans for crushing his enemies. If he wasn’t being played by him, he'd tell him to shut up. Of course he betrays none of these thoughts as he looks over at the ermine after his grim prediction.

Muenster shrugs, "Yes , many seasons from now, of old age."

Nightbreath laughs. "In the near future, of a warrior's blade."

Nightbreath looks at Redfang. "Heed my are employed by a mad beast."

Redfang looks over the rim of his tankard at Nightbreath, "Nothin' new," he mutters, hopefully low enough for his boss not to hear.

Muenster glares at Nightbreath, "I have a prediction, someone will die soon but not me..."

Redfang sips at his rum, glad Muenster didn't hear his comment, and considering the seer's statement.

Nightbreath draws a dagger. "Ye would be wise to leave many beasts will kill ye..I care not if ye take my life...I know it was not written to be today in the Starcaster's book."

Muenster Smiles coldly at Redfang "Meet me near Redwall tomorrow...I have a child to collect, and maybe an Abbot....and beasts to kill. Like a badger and a white fox." He walks upstairs to rest.