Fight in Tavern, p. 2

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

In the will make more sense if you read these 2 logs first.  :) Here's the RP now.  :)

The two rats, Dot and Dash, watch the elder cat leave, then turn to look silently at Blisa. "Is he your-" "Dad?"

Blisa is still crying a little as she nods.

"Aw." "Im sorry! Not that-" "He's your dad, but" "that he's hurt." THey nod, and Dot crouches down. "You wanna hug?"

Blisa nods again and holds out her arms. She is small for a 4-season-old, so holding her won't be too hard.

Dotina holds out her arms and goes to wrap th kitten in a hug.

Blisa hugs the rat around her neck, knife and dirk and slingshot sticking out a random angles.

Dashalinda stifles laughter at the assortment of weapons Blisa has. Dotina rubs Blisa's back gently. Scioto did seem like a nice guy when they met before...she's sorry anyone would think to hurt him. Dashalinda taps her sister on the shoulder, and Dotina stands. "Im Dot.and she's-" "Dash." "Maybe we can-" "talk sometime?" "But we do have to go now." They wave and run out.

Blisa watches the rats leave as the guards begin interveiwing the few tavern occupants. Wiping her eyes, the kitten begins trying to erase the evidence of her tears.

Zork walks into the tavern and sits down, he motions off a tavern worker and sits quietly at the table, inn his paws a quill and small writting pad.

Blisa sniffs and looks over at the badger. Curiosity overcomes sorrow, and so she walks over to him. "Hi."

Zork looks the kitten over and grins, he writes on his paper and shows her, -Your familar.-, He then frows, can the dibbun read good yet, he coughs ad clears his thoat..his voice very very hoarse sounding."..H...hey"

Blisa can She's not as good as she'd like to be, but she can read that. Smiling slightly, she nods. " were in the rescue party that saved me and Oz and Leon from Vladmir Stormfeather. I'm Blisa...I can't remember your name."

Zork pushs the pad away, he can talk some, just hurts too.."Yeah..Zork" He coughs and motions over a bar keep to get soethig to drink, clear his throat better.

"Get him tea with lots of honey in it." Blisa orders, then slides into the seat opposite Zork, her good mood still evading her. "You can write if you need to..I can read some."

Zork smiles large, "You....doing ok?" He asks and coughs a little waiting on the tea.

Blisa sighs, then shakes her head. "No. Nobeast will play with me, and Daddy won't let me be with him when he goes places, and he almost got killed today..." and she's, like, *this* close to crying again.

Zork listens as he drinks the tea and coughs, clearing his troat some, "Al..-coughs roughhly- almost killed?!" He lays a gentle paw on her shoulder carefully, "Hey..chin up" His voice is better but still a little rough sounding.

Blisa hiccups back a sob as a tear trickles down her cheek. "B..b...but he alm..most d..d..died..." she sips the honeyed tea that the barkeep thoughtfully brought for her, her paws shaking.

Zork offers a smile, "Ya..tell Zork all..bout it..can't play..still bit sick and..s..storm comin'...can tell, wasn't in northlands without knowin' bout storms" He coughs as he spoke too much, she is not able to get ill from him luckly, most of it from ice water effecting him, not able to be gotten from others.

Blisa scoots around the booth and snuggles up to against Zork. "There are hardly any dibbuns here in Ferravale, and the guards and Daddy and everybody say they're too old to play, that playing is just for dibbuns. I'm so sad and bored and...lonely..." more tears trickle down her cheeks.

Zork lets the dibbun snuggle closer, "Well...they are bunch of silly beasts..I play and look at my age" He chuckles and coughs again frowning, "Course...serious when needed course."

Blisa sniffs. "If Daddy would let me go with him, I could help him, and he wouldn't get hurt so much, and I would know when he was alright and I wouldn't worry."

Zork nods "Well..dont think no beast goin' out here soon in bad weather."

Blisa looks puzzled. "How can you tell?"

Zork answers, his voice better, "Clouds..air turnig cold ad its windy now, hope no one out in it"

Blisa is suddenly very edgy. "Daddy! He was going to the infirmary! What if he can't get back home? And Astra! That horrible cat took her away, out of Ferravale! They could die!"

Zork speaks, "Well infirm not far..Astra?"

Scioto walks into the tavern , his cloak wet and he goes over to the fireplace to dry off some and warm up.

Blisa nods. "She's this nice cat who knows Daddy." and as if on cue, Scioto enters. Catching sight of him, the kitten screeches, "DADDY!!" and rushes over to him, clutching his legs and burying her face in his pants leg.

Scioto smiles and bends down and hugs Blisa.."What bout Astra? Is she back?"

Zork shakes his head, "Not seen a cat, just you and de kitten here" he coughs and sips more tea, "Need elp finnding her?"

Blisa has been having an emotional roller coaster of a day, and it's starting to take its toll. She droops in her father's arm, and her eyes begin to close.

Scioto picks her up and starts to rock her, softly humming a soft tune.

Zork watches and smiles letting thw two have quiet time, also is throat hurts now and needs rest.

Blisa sacks out in Scioto's arms, compleatly out of it, a faint smile playing on her lips.

And I had to leave now...thanks for reading!
