Ekon Makes It To Ferravale...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Gentle breezes softly drift through the various trees, creating a soft rustle soothing to the ears. The well-worn paw path wanders east and west, not straight as a road but definitely a line. Most of the path cuts through the thick foliage, beaten and well-trod on grass marking its main course. The trees are alive with various sorts of birds and insects, buzzing chirping and skittering about. There are flowers blooming all along the trail of all sorts of colors, scenting the fresh air lightly with their soft fragrances which almost covers the slight scent of decay that comes from the west.

A large arched brick gateway rises up to end the path to the west, tall wooden palisades spreading out from either side with a ditch at their base. Along the gate's topmost arch is carved beautifully in granite, one word. Ferravale. In the vertical sections of the arch are two large openings, within are two large ferret mercenaries, the town's guard with further mercenaries in the guardhouse that can just be seen butting up to the inside of the walls. Inside of this huge arch is a well-crafted cast iron gate, very thick with bars a paw's width apart. A symbol rests is made in the iron, a large paw print, split down the center.

Exits: [G]uardhouse, [Enter] Ferravale, [E]ast

It is late and a group of three guards surround a passed out old squirrel with a simple pale colored tunic and short pants, some messed up lines of paint on his face and loose feathers on his head fur, he groans as the guards quietly talk on what to do, "But..is he friend...I don't know...wait seen him before..."

Whisper walks up and goes between the guards and looks down "That’s the tribe squirrel...whoa he looks a mess wot ya do to him?"

Ekon eyes open as a guard speaks "Hey I did nothing to him miss, he walks here and collapses in front of us"

Whisper rolls her eyes "Gee let’s just yap and yap around the injured beast good grief whoever is in charge of you guards seriously need to fire you three" She checks the old squirrel over and speaks "Well someone beast go fetch a healer already"

Ekon looks at Whisper as a guard gulps at the idea of being fired and rushes off to find a healer and the other two stay at the gates. The old squirrel speaks weakly, "A..Alvar...did this he..did.." He coughs and shivers, he also has a cut arm with caked blood, and a bruised chest, a couple broken ribs and an old wound that’s starting to show some infection, not a dangerous amount as its barely started but a healers paw is needed.

Whisper shakes her head as she looks him over and tilts her head "Alvar?..Who’s that?"

Jacen makes his way to the gates and shakes his head "Of course..an injured beast and I wanted the day off but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I don't get one off" He bends down to look the squirrel over, "Slight infection...this may hurt." He gets his knife to cut the small bit of infection away and applies cayenne to stop bleeding and finds herbs used for swelling and infection and places a bunch on the wound and tightly bandages it and looks at the leg wound he cleans, applies herbs for infection and swelling after he does any needed sewing and bandages it as well finally speaking "So what happen?"

Ekon closes his eyes, he seems to block out most of the pain and speaks after a while, "Alvar..brought dishonor..."

Whisper shrugs she has no clue "Maybe we should just get him to the infirm or something"

Jacen rolls his eyes and looks over Ekon, checking other things and hmmms at the bruised chest and presses, he nods as he goes to tightly bandage the chest, "Possible broken rib, this will help just your be..-wonderful-..stuck in my infirm for a few days."

Ekon nods weakly and tenses up some as the bandages are a little tight and coughs.

Whisper looks at the rat "I can help get him inside if you wish"

Jacen nods as he goes to get one of the squirrel’s arms around him and nods to the polecat to help on the other side. “To the infirm"

Whisper nods and does what she is told and helps the old squirrel to the infirm.

Ekon allows the help to the infirm.

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue. The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [M]aster [H]ealer's [R]oom, [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Jacen nods to the cot as they help him lay down and he folds his arms over his chest, "He will need to rest now and someone should be told of this"

Ekon is laid down on the cot carefully and frowns as he looks around the infirm slowly.

Whisper raises an eyebrow, "Let me guess, I tell someone...tell who? The guards at the gate, yeah...or the temporary leader here, things are tooo crazy around here lately."

Jacen narrows his eyes, "I don't know..just someone. He has friends right?"

Ekon listens as the two seem to argue and coughs a little, weak but he still speaks “Friends...here in Ferravale be.." Least he hopes he still has friends. He has a bandaged arm and a rebandaged chest, also his robe is missing leaving a pale colored tunic and short pants

Whisper frowns "I will..go find Lee or..well someone" She slips out and onto the streets of Ferravale.

Jacen shakes his head, " Whatever..." He makes sure the squirrel is cozy and sits down in a chair and is in a foul mood as he just wanted a day off..a simple day off and now he can't have one.

Before too long the door opens again, and a cloaked otter steps into the room. "'Ello? I were tol' Ekon be 'ere?"

Ekon hears Lee as he looks towards the doorway, he speaks weakly , "Lee..."
Jacen glances at the otter "If the old squirrel is Ekon then yeah he is here, he collapsed at the gates and then got patched up and brought here muttering about something or other, forgot what he said."
 Ekon frowns, he is weak but clearly says one word, "A..Alvar" before he passes out.