Chaos By The Pond, Thanks To The DAB!!-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Papa Oz Log

Beasts in the role play

Oz-Badger Papa and caretaker of the dibbuns

Flicktail- Ex-Champion

Sister Jenny- Hedge maid sister who helps Oz with dibbuns

Lilymoore-Young abbey Bell Ringer

Juliana-Dibbun Fox of 1.5 seasons and daughter to Flicktail and Rayen

Spoofed DAB(Dibbuns Agaist Bedtime) Their ringleader is a squirrel maid dibbun, also varies mice dibbuns, squirrel dibbuns, a goose dibbun and a mole dibbun.

Spoofed Abbey Dibbuns

RW Abbey: Pond

The abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers.

The sheet of ice is thining over the Abbey pond. Cracks and various small breaks in the ice cover have appeared due to the warmer weather. They offer peeks of the creatures and the water under. Discovering this, there is usually a crowd of dibbuns around with a grown up supervisor to ensure that some over enthusiastic babes do not fall in. A wooden sign has also been staked into the ground, warning the beasts of the danger in big, bold letters. "Beware. Thin ice. No one allowed into the pond because of danger until further notice." Elsewhere around the pond, plants are making a comeback, bright, verdant young chutes showing themselves to the world once again -- emerging from the tyranny of ice and snow.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards

Oz is by the pond with Sister Jenny as dibbuns run back and forth. But they stay in the shallow end of the pond as that’s the only area they can go for now. Others play in some rain puddles. A small fox dibbun , Juliana, stays close to the badger

The DAB is also here, but so far they seem to be paying attention and obeying. The squirrel babe and the gosling are seated on a log as far away from the grown-ups as they can get. "Honk! I dun't tink dis is a good idea..." Whimpers the gosling as her friend produces a rock-hard oat scone. "Is a gweat idea! Stop bein' a cowa'd." Meanwhile, LilyMoore comes walking through the orchards, arms crossed, head bowed. She only looks up when she hears the laughing, playing Dibbuns. "Oh! Hi, Papa Oz, Sister Jenny," She calls as she walks closer to them. "This looks like fun." She sounds a little sad, but not a whole lot.

Oz tilts his head "You ok Lilymoore you seem down some reason." Juliana frowns and grunts to be picked up by the badger who bends down to pick her up and offers a small smile to assure the fox kit all is well. A mouse dibbun has made a mud pie and tries to feed it to another mouse dibbun who starts to cry. Sister Jenny walks over "Oh dear don't eat the mud gross!"

LilyMoore shrugs. "Yeah, I'm....well, I'm upset 'cause Momma got hurt in the battle on Thursday, and they didn't save the captives, but the invaders are gone, so I'm not sure how I'm feeling." The squirrel babe stands and aims at Sister Jenny, muttering, "Obeyin' da rools is booo-ring!" Gosling covers her face with a wing and hugs her blanket close. "Dis if a bad idea...." The squirrel ignores her and let’s fly with the scone at the Sister! "Baff nevah, pway fowevah!!"

Oz nods and frowns as he listens to one of the dibbun yell out, "Do calm down please." Sister Jenny meanwhile is hit with a scone one of those DAB most of hid from lunch and wipes it off her face "Alright no throwing food, there shouldn’t even be food out here the abbey is still on rations"

Juliana whimpers and hides her face in the badger’s robes. She is unsure whats going on but it can't be anything fun.

LilyMoore spots the squirrel babe and frowns, shaking her head disapprovingly. The squirrel just sticks her tongue out cheekily and yells, "I didn' /eat/ it 'cause I 'ad no /'oney/ to put ON it, so there! DAB FOWEVAH!" The other DABers here start grabbing mud and chucking it everywhere...except for the gosling. She hops up and waddles over to the badger, hugging her security blanket tightly. "Honk! I don' WANNA ge' muddy! I 'ate baffs!" Lily gets smacked by a mud ball as not 1, not 2, not even 3, but /6/ mud balls go flying towards Sister jenny!

Sister Jenny gasps and screams as mud goes all over her face and robes, "This is not how abbey beasts behave! You all will get no desert for a week!"

Oz frowns and still holding Juliana goes to try and stop the flying mud balls only to get one in the face as well, but unlike the Sister he doesn’t wipe it off right away "Ok this needs to come to a halt"

Flicktail come walking along singing a song.

The pond is full-out chaos. DAB has unleashed its unbridled craziness, and as he comes into view, the former Champion will find 5 mud balls flying at him! The female squirrel babe, who seems to be the ringleader, has disappeared up a nearby tree, and now starts throwing some stashed pinecones at all the grown-ups, and LilyMoore! Lily, for her part, is dodging and weaving, using the fact that she is almost legendary amongst the DAB for her destruction of the kitchen (on multiple occasions) to try and make them start behaving again. So far, it isn't working. The gosling goes to cling to the badger's robes as a mud ball hits her on the wing; she is bawling her little eyes out and hugging her security blanket as tightly as her fluffy little wing will allow.

Flicktail gasps as he is coated in mud and giggles grabbing some "ammo" to shoot back

Oz frowns as he now holds Juliana and the goose dibbun, he shakes his head "Alright all of you stop this right now!" Sister Jenny "Why I never in all my..." She is then spiting as mud goes into her mouth and sighs loudly.

Look it, Mistah Flicky is doin' it, toos!!" Come the chorus of giggles, and the mud does not stop flying, and neither do the pine cones! Some of the other squirrel Dibbuns have joined the ringleader up in the trees where they've been stashing pine cones for months. LilyMoore yelps as she gets smacked on the rump with a particularly pointy one. "Oi, that's not nice--Flicky!!" She shouts as mud smacks into her, too. "Don't encourage them, plea--YURK!" The mouse maid is now wiping mud off her face as she tries to keep a mole Dibbun from chucking a rock.

Flicktail lets fly with some soft but slimy mud at whomever he sees at a non-vital spot, the arm or the chest or the head as he scoops up more mud.

Oz frowns "Flicktail you’re not helping!!" He gets a mud ball on the leg. Juliana wails loudly making one dibbun drop a mud ball and hold their ears "Makes her stop!!!!!" The fox dibbun sniffs...then wails louder as she takes another deep breath.

Sister Jenny crosses her arms over her chest “This is clearly not how abbey beat should behave at all!!”

Flicktail's ears perk "now now...we should not be making Others sad" He says dropping the mud and going to Juliana “Come to daddy Darling”

LilyMoore manages to get the rock away, and the mole Dibbun adds to the wailing as the mouse maid rolls her eyes. "Get down here now!" She yells at the squirrel Dibbuns. Oddly, they obey her...but they come armed. Lily shrieks as the squirrel babe ringleader throws her pinecone, the other Dibbuns following suit. The Bell-Ringer-In-Training falls backwards into the pond, yelling, "Would you quit?!" Some of the other Dibbuns starts trying to pull Sister Jenny to the ground, and some other Dibbuns begin to wail as they get hit by pebble-filled mud balls. They are not listening!!

Oz hands Flicktail not only Juliana but the fox get a goose dibbun as well as the Badger Father walks right into the chaos and gets a rock in the side, mud in the face, and he takes a deep breath as yells "EVERY BEAST STOP NOW!!!" In a commanding tone, it takes a bit him angry as he rarely has to yell at his dibbuns, but at times it happens, and this is one of those times.

Juliana clings onto Flicktail tightly, it’s a good thing she can’t hear as that most likely hurts one's ears.

Flicktail begins cuddling his armload of dibbuns and nuzzling Juliana while holding the goose . The fox's soft fur warm and thick as his tail flicks. His ears flatten a bit at Oz's voice but he keeps comforting the two dibbuns.

The gosling clings to the fox, burying her crying face in his nice soft fur as she hugs her precious blanket. The Dibbuns all stop. Oz so rarely yells. The few who were being good start to softly cry. LilyMoore stands, sopping wet, and gathers those couple in her arms. "I'm sorry, Oz; I thought they would listen to me, but they didn't. I'm sorry." She feels like she failed. The squirrel babe ringleader, for her part, looks terrified. They all are silent except for the few weeping ones.

Oz walks over to where the ring leader is and folds his arms over his chest. “Explain yourself"

Sister Jenny just snorts, and then frowns as a mole dibbun is crying and the young one "Its ok..there there."
Juliana hiccups and just frowns, she does peek over at the others just in time to the chaos has stopped.

Flicktail rocks his dibbuns heads towards Lilymoore "Don't feel bad lass they used to tie me up and dunk me in Maple syrup”

LilyMoore wrinkles her nose. "That sounds disgusting." Ringleader seems to shrink. "I...I....I..." The gosling sniffles. The squirrel babe shuffles a little and looks at the ground. "I ownwy wanted to 'ave some fun. She said it was a bad idea!!" she points at the gosling, making sure her friend doesn't get into any trouble. "But I waf /bowed/. I just wanted to pway wif mud an', an', an' ftuff."

Oz tilts his head and listens, "Yes but this sort of fun is not good. Some beast could of gotten hurt and then what? Perhaps the ones who started this can have extra chores"

Flicktail says, "Awww... I don't know if they need all that papa. They are sorry and I am sure they learned their lesson. Haven't you all?"

The gosling looks at the badger wide-eyed. The Dibbuns who actually did start this all start protesting at once, Ringleader being the loudest. The ones who didn't and either stayed good or just got a little too caught up in the fun stay silent, knowing that complaining will only get them in more trouble, too. Lily hugs the Dibbuns who didn't do anything bad as they continue to cry softly.

Oz stands there, he seems to be thinking "Alright then you" Yes to the squirrel babe "You will help sweep some floors and mop them. I think they may need some help washing some robes and sheets you can do that. I know the goose was not involved and that was good. As for others involved, no play time tomorrow at the pond, that goes for the ring leader as well"

Flicktail whimpers a little. He doesn't like punishments

A huge wail comes up from the punished Dibbuns, but the ones who are innocent rush at the badger and go to hug him. The Dibbuns who just joined in on the fun but didn't start it start to cry. LilyMoore stands slowly wringing out her sopping wet skirt and petticoat and apron. "Well, that was exciting," she grumbles. The gosling rubs her downy face with her blanket. "Honk! So I no in /twouble/?" Meanwhile, Ringleader is throwing a tantrum on the ground. She needs a time-out, maybe.

Oz speaks again "Enough, maybe some time to think about this is best instead of throwing a fit over it" The badger also hugs the dibbuns one by one and does smile at them, he is not upset with all of them after all.

Flicktail Goes over, holding Juliana still to meet the Goose "Well and wot is your name my good Gosling? How could you be in trouble?

Julian falls asleep using her father's shoulder as a pillow.

LilyMoore sighs in relief as the Ringleader runs off, still throwing a fit. The other justly punished Dibbuns all shuffle off to do their chores after getting the hugs that Ringleader is missing out on. Gosling continues to wipe her face with her blanket. "I didn' do nuffin'! I twied to 'top 'er, but sh'didn' /listen/. .....and my namef /Gwacie/." Gracie's blanket used to be blue, but it's so dirty now.

Sister Jenny doesn’t even excuse herself she is off after he ring leader to make sure no more trouble is to be had

Oz sighs and sits down holding his head, he has a headache now.

Flicktail says, "well ello Gracie. It is so nice to meet a good dibbun like you. Do you know me daughter? Juliana?"

Gracie shakes her head solemnly. "Nooo, I /don'/ is she /nice/????" The little goose asks very earnestly. Lily goes to hugs the badger. "That was pretty crazy. Are you okay?"

Oz stands, "I think I just need to get something for a headache from either Leon or Angela and then take a nap"

Flicktail says, "She is very nice but she cannot hear and she needs friends who will be nice to her." He smiles at the others "I will take Juliana to get cleaned up"

LilyMoore nods and runs off. "I'll go tell Nana to get ready some tea!!" The gosling nods, then toddles off to take a nap without being told. The rest of the Dibbuns turn to Oz, ready to listen.

Oz nods , he knows the others are still there "Lets head inside and Sister Jenny can have the reading and writing lesson" He leads them inside and then will get that tea from Angela and take a much needed nap.