Casper and Lahki: A Picnic on the Eastern Wall. Except, you know, a romantic one.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 06, 2013 in the category Art and Fiction by BrokenRain. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Mon, 05/06/2013 - 06:26

Hiya! Here's a lil' story about my character Casper and the spoof Lahki. He's been courting her for a... few months, I think? Anywho. I didn't want to RP this out, since they're both my characters and that would be immensely boring, but it would be a little awkward with other creatures around... So I put it in a story! I've included both their descriptions just for the heck of it. Enjoy! :D

(Casper is about average height for a mouse his age, if not a little taller. His fur is gray, nearly blue, reminiscent of a certain mousemaid’s fur colour. His eyes are dark enough to be black, but in the light they are clearly a chocolatey brown. His tunic is a forest green, very plain, and cinched at the waist with a thin knotted rope. A brown bag hangs from one shoulder, and if you looked inside it, you would find all the things necessary to survive in the out of doors- flint, rations (though not many), an extra tunic and cloak, dagger, ect. A reed flute is also in his bag, well used but taken care of. He bears a few scars, though they don’t seem to be deep- a few chips from his large ears, quite a few on his paws, elbows and knees. A sturdy sling hangs from his tunic cord, along with a full bag of stones. In his left paw is a tall, sea-washed staff. His eyes twinkle with mischievousness, though he seems very approachable and kind.

species: mouse. gender: male. age: 7.5 seasons)

(Lahki looks the definition of ‘fun.’ Her short, easy-to-care-for fur is a plain grey, her long whippy tail a peachy color. Her overly large ears are covered in ‘peach fuzz,’ and her small nose is pink and wet, her whiskers long and slightly curled at the ends. You can see just the ends of her large white front teeth. Her dress is short, swishing about her knees, a pretty yellow color- the kind of yellow that you see and that immediately makes you think of spring. The soles of Lahki’s footpaws are tough from walking about bare-pawed, and her claws are short and cared for. Her bright eyes are a livid blue, and full of life.

species: field mouse. gender: female. age: 8 seasons)

The red sandstones of Redwall Abbey are awash with the fading light of the sun. The green Virginia Creeper that covers most of the outer wall waves slightly in the breeze. Casper, silhouetted by the sunset, is sitting on the battlements, holding Lahki's paw. Most of the guards have left the two mice alone; they know Casper, and they trust him to be on the wall-tops. So they give Casper and Lahki their space.

On the still-warm stones next to Lahki rests an open picnic basket. Casper's staff is lying next to it. The paper inside the basket rustles as the wind rushes past. Lahki’s head turns idly from the sunset to the basket, checking to see if anything was blown out of it. Sighing contentedly, she withdraws her paw from Casper’s gentle grasp and closes the basket top. Leaning her head against Casper’s shoulder, she lets him put his arm around her. Normally, the heights may make her feel slightly woozy, but she feels completely safe with Casper next to her.

Casper, one paw around Lahki, digs with his other paw in his bag. Pulling out his reed pipe, he places it to his lips and blows softly into it. A high-pitched, gentle sound mixes with the wind. His paw deftly runs the length of the flute, the pretty sound rising and falling on the warm air around the battlements.

Lahki tilts her head back, watching Casper play. A smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as Casper nearly drops the flute. He catches it though, and barely creates a pause in the music. Lahki places her paw under the flute, holding it up for him.

“Silly, no need t’ impress me with one-pawed flute-playin’.” She grins at him.

Casper pauses in the music. “You sure? I thought I was obligated to impress ye. Being that I’m courtin’ you an’ all.” He smiles back at her, the fur around the the corners of his eyes crinkling. “You’re father did say I had to keep you happy.”

Lahki takes her paw back from the flute and gives Casper a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m happy just with you. I don’t need no one-pawed flute-playing.”

Casper claps a paw to his cheek, pretending to gasp. “A kiss! By Martin’s whiskers, a pretty lil’ gal just /kissed/ me! Astounding!”

Lahki laughs and gives him another kiss on his cheek ruff before pointing out to the sun. “Look there, Cas.” Her claw is pointed at a small flock of sparrows flying across the sunset. The light plays off their wings, creating a shimmering effect as they fly past, headed for the attics under the weathervane. Casper raises his paw in polite greeting to the Abbey’s allies. A few flick a wingtip in reply.

As the quiet settles again, Casper puts his reed pipe away and hugs Lahki close to him. They sit in silence, the sun’s last rays spreading around them and elongating their shadows. A bird calls one last time. The early spring grasshoppers chirrup in the darkening Abbey grounds. The tap, tap of the nearest guard walking past fades as he continues on his route.

Lahki’s eyes have closed as she enjoys the last bit of warmth of the day. She feels Casper playing with her paw, feels him slide something soft onto it. Her eyes flutter open, and she looks down at the russet red and blue bracelet-band he’s put on her wrist. A wedding band. His breath tickles her ear as he whispers.

“Will you marry me, Lahki?”

The sun finally fades below the horizon, and the withered old guard on the eastern wall with Casper and Lahki smiles to himself as he watches them kiss.
