And life basically returns to normal....right? Yeah. Right.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Abbey Infirmary

DoraRose, LilyMoore and Angela, mice. Sykes the polecat. Lee the otter. John the squirrel and his rat friend. Zork the badger.

DoraRose is here in the Infirmary, just enjoying the company of her family. And sewing. She hates sewing, but she has allot to do, now that her Dibbuns are back and my, how they have grown. LilyMoore is being treated for a splinter by her great-grandmother, Angela, who is just happy that her family is back home in Redwall. .

Sykes slowly enters the infirmary and waits with fresh towels in his arms, "Somone asked Sykes to bring some towels?"

Lee enters a few minutes later, limping. "Oy, can somebeast check me foot? It's still 'urtin'."

Near the far corner rest a rat on a cot; his knee is bandadged. A moment after the otter, the door opens again and a squirrel slips in. John gives a curt nod to those he sees, adding an, "Hello." here and there.

Angela looks up and scowls. "I thought somebeast had told ye to be careful with yer foot." LilyMoore looks up at the healer in curiosity, and DoraRose winces. The Dibbuns were gone from the Abbey for almost a season, and Lily is now almost 3 seasons old, while the last time her mother saw her, she was just barely 2.

Sykes goes and puts the towels down on an empty bed and walks over to Lee, "What happened to you, brother Lee?"

Lee frowns. "Ah, Marek stabbed me foot, Sykes. 'E slashed me arm, too. Walkin' be rather painful right now."

Zork is outside in the open ground and comes into the infirm and sits on the cot by the doorway. He had been out doing a little bit of work on the gates to fix them and has taken it easy as he does so, he looks over at the group and waves "Hey ya all"

John's head turns when the door opens, then gives a weak smile. Turning back to hear the otter's statement, John says, "IF we're traidin' war stories, Ah got trampled by tae beast in a row.."

Sykes gets some belladonna and sea kelp from the herbals drawer and wraps them in a bandage, then slowly winds it around Lee's foot, "To keep out the infections. Sykes uses it on himself all the time."

Angela picks up her great-granddaughter and deposits her in DoraRose's lap, then grumps at the others in the room. "If we're tradin' war stories, I 'ave some that could set ye 'air on edge. I've lost track of 'ow many limbs I've 'ad to...but no. We're not because my great-granddaughter is in 'ere. No, Lee, do me a favour and sit 'ere. Zork, 'ow are ye feelin'?" She adds as she indicates for the otter to sit on the examination table. LilyMoore pipes up and says, "I'm alright wif war stories, Nana. I wanna hear them. Pwease?" The warriormouse hides a smile and adds, "I don't think they'd do her any harm, as long as they're not too descriptive."

Lee does as he is bidden. "Oy, alright marm. I know better 'n ta not do as ye tell me." He sits on the table. "Anyway, not much ta tell. I fought Marek to a standstill... But 'e 'ad a trick up 'is sleeve..."

Zork looks over and grins" I be doin' great and..err a little tried tis why taking a break."He also has a different outfit on then he has had before.

John glances at the young mouse, saying, "Well, for starters, yore mom almost threw mae from thae top o' thae wall." he pauses for a moment, "Granted," he adds, "We were fightin' a beast who 'ad nuts for a brain and 'twas a close space..."

LilyMoore blinks. "Why were Mother and you fighting somebeast on the wall-top?" DoraRose gets a pained look on her face at being called 'mother' instead of 'momma', and so to distract herself she looks at what the badger is wearing...and then gasps. "Zork...what are you wearing?" Angela takes the herbs from the polecat and nods her thanks to him. "Oh? What did Marek do?" she mumbles, hardly paying attention to what's going on around her, so focused is she on her task.

Sykes walk over to Zork and asks him, "Who might you be, stripy fellow? And can Sykes help you with anything?"

Lee sighs with exasperation. "'E 'ad a bird. I did not take the time ta check ev'ry angle, so of course 'e 'ad help 'idden nearby. Marek just went flyin' away..." The otter shakes his head. "I admit me failure in the matter."

Zork smiles wide and his eyes sort of sparkle with excitement, "Oh, hee some changes fer me tis all Dorarose lass, "He looks at Sykes and grins "I be fine, and my name is." He pauses and smiles, yeah he likes the change "Brother Zork."

John snorts. "A bird?! is /tha'/ how he got away? a bloody /bird/?" the squirrel shakes his head. "If Ah didn't knae better, Ah'd say..." He stops, and, shaking his head once more, he says, "well, it do' matter anymore...He's gone, for now."

DoraRose gasps and stands, setting LilyMoore in the chair. "Oh, Zork, that's wonderful!" Lily looks around, then starts to play with the bandage on her finger. Angela finishes wrapping the otters foot and sternly says, "Stay 'ere," as she goes over to a wardrobe.

Sykes walks over to DoraRose and bows to her, "Hello there miss. Do you need help healing further?"

Lee doesn't move, though he does glare at John. "Oy, it's not like I let 'im go on purpose. The bird took me by surprise."

Zork glances at John and Lee and then to Dorarose "Yes I am a Brother in the order now, for oh...couple days now, put me blade away."

John shrugs off the otter's glare. 'Ah'm jus' sayin'."

DoraRose falters, then kind of pats the polecat on the arm. "Oh, I'm fine, thank you. I'm actually mostly here to visit my grandmother." she gestures towards Angela, who is striding back towards the otter bearing a crutch. As the warrior approaches the badger, the healer holds the crutch out and says, "Use this so yer foot can 'eal or so 'elp me, I'll give ye the nastiest tonic I can find or come up with. And no yelling around my great-granddaughter." She includes the squirrel in this last statement. DoraRose is smiling at the badger. "That's great! That took great courage, I'm sure."

Sykes asks Lee quizzically as he walks over to give him a mug of cool water, "What did this bird look like? Maybe Pria can go seek her out."

Lee accepts the crutch and mug of water. "Oy, it were some kinda eagle, mate. Never seen it before, actually, not sure where it be from."

Zork nods "Tis a big step yeah, I lockled me blade and armor up and vowed not ta touch it again. Me warrior days be gone and even if I wanted ta,..which I don't...I cant go back ta them"

"An Eagle?!" John almost yells, then, hearing the elder mouse, he says, quietly, "How in...How did a beast like Marek get an eagle? From my dealings with 'un o 'em, they are proud beasts..."

Sykes nods to John as he goes to get Zork a mug of water also, "Indeed, that is a very good question. Hrm, who are you again squirrel fellow?"

Lee shrugs. "'Ow should I know?"

Angela nods then sits down, working on her granddaughter's sewing. DoraRose's smile softens a little. "Nana told me about you're...attack. I'm very persuasive sometimes, and she didn't realize what she'd said until after it came out. I'm just glad that you don't think that there's nothing for you to do." LilyMoore has managed to tie a knot in the end of her bandage.

Zork nods "I still be de blacksmith here and I be fixing de gate and also a couple new pans fer de friar to have"

Sykes gives John the mug of water and tells Zork, "Do you need metal, Brother Zork? Sykes thinks he can get you some."

John, the mug in his paws, blinks. "Er, Ah'm' who's this for again?"

LilyMoore suddenly eases up out of her chair and slides out of the room. DoraRose notes her leaving, bites her lip, then excuses herself and follows. Angela groans and covers her eyes with a paw. "I need to go make sure they don't do somethin' they'll regret. Don't trash the Infirm, y'hear?" and she, too, leaves.

Thanks for reading! :)
