Aibne has changed...and Silverstorm is worried.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Pond

The abbey pond is practically the place to go for relaxation. The orchards that settle onto one side of the water hole provide decent shade for the more heated months to come. Various types of wild flowers grow about the edge of the ground that lightly overhangs into the pond. The pond seemingly invites one into its cool depths, which holds its fish life and multiple species of shrimp and other water dwellers.

Spring has come. Due to the rains, the abbey pond is just gently lapping at the edges of the ground. Soon to overflow lightly if the spring rains don't let up soon. Plant life seems to explode here in a variety of colors, sizes and aromas.

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [R]edwall [E]ntry, [P]ath by the [G]reat [H]all, [Dive] in the pond, [O]rchards


South Wallgate

Silverstorm is by the pond sitting by the shore, just soaking her footpaws on the shallows as she never goes in and others are use to that by now.

Aibne has been staying here a couple days, he reads a note a runner from camp gave him earlier while he was outside, yeah outside killing vermin and he has a new look, well minus the sword. He wears chainmail and has a string necklace of teeth and claws, along with his other arrow head necklace he keeps. He glances over at Silverstorm and walks over slowly to her.

Silverstorm starts to get up and head inside when her eyes land on Aibne and she blinks in surprise and then folds her arms over her chest "Wot are ya doin' here?" She sounds annoyed to see him.

Aibne remains where he is and puts away his note, "I needed a place to stay, not that this was the best choice didn’t plan to run into you" He tilts his head "You..have different robes..and you been ok?" A touch of concern in his voice.

Silverstorm looks him over "Yeah, not as much as you did clearly. I am a Sister in the order now and the Blacksmith full time now, whats that to you?"

Aibne shrugs and looks at himself "Yes I have changed, I have a new quest and one I should of done a long time ago, hunt vermin and rid the lands of them, all vermin and yet you still befriend some why is that?"

Silverstorm frowns and then glares "If you mean Flicktail, he is good and so is his mate. Then why am I explaining this to you, you clearly didn’t listen the one day on the road so why don't you just go back to your camp and...and leave me alone Aibne"

Aibne looks down "I only plan on going to the camp one more time, then I am leaving it and not going back. They didn't try hard enough" They most likely did but Aibne is a bit not believeing it right now.

Silverstorm seems surprised "Why is that? What about Mint she probably loves it there or are you walking away from her?" She thinks "Is she here with you? Cause I hope you’re not having her travel with you like this, this sudden hunting down vermin will just get you killed."

Aibne narrows his eyes, "I would NEVER take her with me for something like that, and she is not with me..she..she is no where" He stutters a little as he makes fists at his side.

Silverstorm crosses her arms "Then where is she, and wot do ya mean nowhere?"

Aibne fists tighten up to the point where his claws make some blood form on his paws, "She..died, she..DEAD! Vermin scum did it do you hear me, vermin did it! No such thing as good vermin anywhere!"

Silverstorm eyes widen, "Wait..wot?! D..dead? But how wot happen, when was this?"

Aibne has tears stream down his face, he has not cried since he found her and the note only confirmed it was her, "Sometime..past few days." His voice is more quiet now.

Silverstorm never was one for hugs but she walks over to him and slowly wraps her arms around him, "I'm..I'm sorry I didn’t know."

Hecktora dives down sharply and switches to claws down, dips her legs in the water and soars sharply up, holding a small fish.

Aibne leans into the hug and sobs openly, it’s all he can do just let this all out.

Silverstorm frowns feeling tears on her own face, she barely notices the large bird , but for now just watches it quietly. She has seen few birds in her life so she is not afraid of it.

Aibne could care less if a bird was here or not. He is still crying and holding onto Silverstorm for the time being.

Hecktora lands on the shore her back to the few as she tears up the fish hiding the carnage from them as she devours the fish.

Silverstorm sighs, she speaks to Aibne, ", is there anything I could do for you?" She got mad at him once it’s true, but seeing him like this is causing her stress oddly.

Aibne sniffs, "I..I don't know...don't know. Funeral..s...soon think."

Hecktora tosses the remaining parts of the fish back into the pond and hops over and goes to gently lays her head on Silverstorm shoulder and tries to give a soft hug of them both with her wings, not tight but rather gentle. "Kestrel hug rare." She chirps softly.

Silverstorm blinks, she frowns and looks at Aibne, "I could..go with you to the funeral maybe, but then I need to come back here I couldn’t stay at the camp"

Aibne eeps softly when he sees the bird and backs up a little, he nods to Silverstrorm "I..don't plan on staying so no worries there."

Hecktora bows gently her head coming down her necklace swaying around Elmjak's Greenstone Leaf shining some, "No be scared I am good bird, great friend of badger lord, otters, and union shrews." she sits up straight she sure is kind of chubby.

Silverstorm asks, "Friend to otters?"

Aibne seems unsure of that, but for now decides to accept it, he looks down as he wipes away tears.

Hecktora bobs her head and leans down and gently pushes Elmjak's Greenstone Leaf, "old Elmjak's Greenstone" she wiggles, "Sunstripe use."

Silverstorm says, "There is some writing on him in the library"

Aibne blinks "Who?" He looks at Silverstorm and shakes his head, he is not one for history much.

Silverstorm sighs, "Never mind Aibne. So why are you here?" She ask the bird.

Aibne folds his arms over his chest now, he takes a calm breath and frowns. He started to say something then decides not to.

Hecktora wiggles, "The gal Zinn danger."

Hecktora says, "Longfang white rat scape"

Silverstorm frowns "I heard about him, he’s an ermine and sounded dangerous"

Aibne eyes narrow and his cold, dark mood returns, "Sounds like he needs killing ta me, I love to do the honors"

Hecktora nods her head as she scratches the ground. "me stay protect Zinn, yessm"

Silverstorm says, "That’s good, her father shouldn’t worry as much because of this. We should try and keep updated on the ermine, find out where it is or plans it has"

Aibne speaks "I have a plan, find it and kill it and walk away, simple"

Hecktora flaps her wings, "yous meets, your death." She looks at Aibne, "Bloodrath, no good."

Silverstorm frowns at Aibne. “He has a point you should be careful.."

Aibne narrows his eyes, "This is a vermin, it needs death to come to it and its friends and any on the path to get to it. All vermin will die." His voice sounds ice cold.

Silverstorm backs up a little from Aibne and frowns "Aibne..." She says quietly.

Hecktora points at Aibne, "Kill not easy, takes lot, you killa, you no be welcome heres." She chirps, "You need time think, vermin meet his end by his own paw."

Aibne glares at the bird "Killing is easy..vermin need death, swift death." He looks at Silverstorm."You understand right?"

Silverstorm achally seems a little afraid of him now and a tear goes down her face as she shakes her head and quickly rushes to the fire pit.

Hecktora frowns, "you take life?" she shakes her head, "if it in you this no place for yous."

That look, that look for gave him causes a small flicker of concern in his eyes as Aibne stands there and watches her back away and the tear he blinks slightly "Silverstorm?" He looks at the bird "You know nothing..NOTHING?!" And it's back, the foul cold mood, " Vermin kill my sister, she is dead!"

Silverstorm is meanwhile by the fire pit now.

Hecktora nods, "vermin wrong, always killing, but they haunted by what they do in ze end." she hops closer and tries to put your paw on her tummy, "vermin wrath hurts bad yessm, but you must be strong, would yousm, sister want you to go down vermin killy path?"

Aibne just glares.

Hecktora says, "Life verra precious, where death is, life is."

Aibne narrows his eyes and growls, he then storms off and out of sight.