"His stupid excuse for a stupid life has been made complete!" among other things.... (Redemption of Marek TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
RW Abbey: Entry
You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages.  To the south you see a small, calm pond.  To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky.  The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.
The blanket of snow is replaced with the vibrant greens of spring. Newly sprung flowers and young shoots dot the path. They hold a promise of color and enhancement. The earth is relatively dry here, and the soil rich for growing, but muddy patches of dirt still can be found. Many Abbeybeasts can be seen tending to the gardens, though some are content with just being out and about, enjoying the warmth of the virgin sun and the pleasent weather. Dirt pawprints are tracked upon the clearing's surface, serving as witness to the fact that the majority of Abbeybeasts are caught up in the "spring fever." Most will will do just about anything, or make any excuse to be outside, eager to watch as spring colors emerge in scraggly clumps.
     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Chud the otter. DoraRose the mouse and a spoofed guard of unknown species. Flicktail the fox. Benar the squirrel Abbot.

It's a sunny afternoon. Hot. Chud is panting a little as he trots in through the gates, a few other otters with him. The others disperse around the Abbey and Chud wipes sweat from his brow and looks around, debating whether to go get a drink, refill his canteen, or just jump in the pond.

DoraRose is standing in the gateway, having what looks like a deep, serious conversation with one of the guards. The guard looks worried, while the Warrior just looks mad. They're basically ignoring the otters; the mousewife knows who they are, so she's not too concerned.

Chud goes for a dip in the pond, not even bothering to take his tunic off. When he comes back, the mousewife is still there as is the guard. "Aft'noon folks. Wot's goin' on 'ere?"

DoraRose looks over at the otter, barely-bridled fury etched on her face. "Lily's friend, the Sparra, just got back from Ferravale. That stupid mouse Irirnevok has killed the Master Healer of Ferravale and taken Marek as prisoner." The guard looks hopefully at the Camp Willow scout. "D'ye 'ave any idea where they might be?" Little does the guard realize that the crazy mouse has moved his camp.

"Er, no, 'pologies," Chud says, inclining his head and shuffling his feet a bit. "Th' scouts and I've been lookin' around, but no sign of any recent activity in the forests. We found an old campsite in Mossflower but nothing recent enough to give us any hint of where he could be now."

DoraRose makes an infuriated gesture with her paws. "Of course! That stupid half-baked insane pathetic excuse for a mouse would naturally move after he gets the beast he wants the most! Why not? His stupid excuse for a stupid life has been made complete!" The guard takes a half-step back away from the Warrior and asks, "So....there was no sign of any recent activity? None at all?"

"Nothing newer than a few weeks old. We found a few trails but they mostly were well-covered and we lost 'em pretty soon." Chud shuffles his footpaws again. "Sorry."

DoraRose covers her eyes with a paw and struggles to calm herself as the guard sighs and shakes his head. "This is 'orrible. 'Ow can somebeast that crazy be that good at 'idin'?"

"Clearly he's sane enough to not want to die," Chud mutters darkly. "Or he's just too smart." No. He refuses to accept that anybeast could outwit him if they're that crazy. He shakes his head.

"Or maybe he's paranoid. I've heard that's a form of insanity." DoraRose Strongheart uncovers her eyes and places her paws on her hips. "I'm perfectly willing to give him something to be afraid of, if he so desires. I just need a chance. And my axe. I would definitely need Nightsong..."

"Wait....you're gonna go it alone? I can't in good conscience let y' do that, miz." Chud blinks a few times.

DoraRose looks ot the sky as if for patience. She is /seriously/ having a bad day. "No." She says in a tone of voice that indicates that she's on the verge of making another sarcastic comment. "I'm just /saying/ that my weapon of choice is Nightsong. I think we need to find this stupid excuse for a warlord in a group." The guard looks very relieved to hear that. "I think per'aps we should, may'aps, see if that 'awk friend o' your 'usband can 'elp us look for 'im wi'out bein' spotted. 'Awks 'ave good sight, right?" The Warrior taps a finger on her chin, hmm-ing. "Perhaps....raptors do have remarkable eyesight....and I think he also brought back news of the fight where Marek got taken captive...I don't know if he was spotted, though..."

"Aerial scouting. Solid plan," Chud agrees. "Scouts on foot can only see so much...Where is this hawk you speak of?"

DoraRose shrugs as the guard scratches his ear. "Um....er, I....don't know. 'Aven't seen 'im in....a day, may'aps?" The Warrior nods as she adds, "His name is Boaz. He seems to like fish."

"Well, wait for him, and ask him to do some scouting for us when he returns," Chud instructs, with quite a bit of authority, or maybe bossiness, for somebeast so young.

"Wow, I would've /never/ thought of /that/. Thanks. So much." Is DoraRose being sarcastic? You can bet your face she is. The guard winces and says humbly, "I'll be on the lookout for him, don't worry."

Chud sighs. "Did it ever occur to you that we're on the same side?" he snaps to the mousewife. "If we're going to kill the enemy, we shouldn't be at each other's throats."

DoraRose sighs and covers her eyes with a paw. "Sorry. I'm feeling very stressed right now, and like I can't do anything to help. Blisa is my friend, and I'm worried about her. I'm sorry."

Chud nods. "Sorry. Didn't mean to snap like that at ye. I totally understand what you're saying. Just was wearing down my patience a bit. And trust me, you can help. A lot. Once we find this bugger...."

DoraRose makes another frustrated gesture with her paws. "Exactly! /Once/ we find him. What am I supposed to do until then? I'm no good at tracking! I have no idea how I managed to find my husband! I just went on a hunch I had. I'm just stuck here, twiddling my thumbs until the crazy idiot is found. I feel helpless!"

Flicktail hears the commotion and walks up "Track whom DoraRose? you know you know a fox...and ya know wot we do BEST?"

Chud gets a big grin on his face and runs up to Flicktail. "'eeeey! Flicktail! What's goin' on?"

DoraRose smiles slightly at her foxy friend. "Stick their fluffy tails up beast's noses?" she says jokingly, trying to hide her bad mood. She's already offended some beasts today; why try to make more upset?

Flicktail asks, "Hello Chud, How are ya?" he also chuckles at DR. "So tell me Ms Rose, wot ya need tracked and how can Chud and I elp?"

"A certain kitten's gone missing," Chud explains. "And Marek's been captured too. Me an' the scouts've been lookin' around for Irinevok's camp but haven't found it yet." Just then an otter runs up to Chud. The team's ready to depart. "We'll be headed along the river if you wanna catch up, Flicktail," the young otter says, waving a quick goodbye to Flick and DoraRose as he jogs out to retrieve his dirk before leaving the Abbey.

Flicktail sighs "Irinevok again. Dora, I am already seeking that beast to slay 'im....were closin' in...we know e be somewhere in Mossflower"

DoraRose sighs. "I know. I believe you. I just feel so helpless waiting for him to be found...and sorry, but I've called dibs on killing him. Nobeast hurts my husband and gets away with it."

Flicktail asks, "hmm would ya be able to go wi' me? we could kill im together..."

DoraRose smiles almost wickedly. "I could live with that. Feel kind of sorry for him...having to try and defend himself from 2 great Warriors. He hasn't got a chance." She's being sarcastic right now. Very much so, yes. The guard has left to check on the other wallguards.

Flicktail asks, "Well there is you, who is the other great warrior?" he chuckles. Flicktail says, "I would be honored to ACTUALLY go with you Dora"

DoraRose chuckles slightly. "I was meaning /you/ as the other great Warrior, Flick. You're the Champion of Redwall, guided by the Spirit of Martin...how can you not be a great Warrior?" She smiles. "And I was hoping you could come, if possible." she adds encouragingly.

Flicktail chuckles "you really don't know me do ya Dora....

DoraRose shrugs. "I know that Martin picked /you/ to carry his sword as Champion. And you're humble. All good marks of a true Warrior. But if Martin thought that you were a good enough Warrior to carry his sword, then he must think that /you/ are truly a great Warrior."

Flicktail's ears blushes "And here I am just grateful that I can count you as a friend"

DoraRose smiles and looks at the grass at their feet. "I try, but it's sometimes really hard..." A butterfly floats by on delicate-looking wings, beautiful in its fragility.

Flicktail says, "You are a very beautiful maid marm"

It's now DoraRose's turn to blush. "Thank you, but I am no longer a maid. Remember, I got married to Leon, and only single females can be maids." She did change the subject. Yes, indeedie. But only because she's embarrassed.

Flicktail says, "well I thought that a maiden was unmarried...."

Flicktail says, "and a maid be parried"

Flicktail says, "er married"

DoraRose frowns slightly as she thinks about that. "Um....I always heard that a maid was also unmarried...." she shrugs. "Oh, well. Whatever. It's not worth arguing about." She smiles.

Flicktail asks, "can I ask a favor marm?"

DoraRose raises an eyebrow but keeps smiling. "Sure. I'll try to help you, but I can't guarantee anything."

Flicktail asks, "well the Fuzzy white fox could use a HUG?"

DoraRose stifles a sigh and holds out her arms. "Oh, I suppose I could have a hug to spare..." she says jokingly.

Flicktail smiles and Gives a gentle brotherly hug to the DR "so where would ya like to start lookin' first?

The bells in the tower have gone silence once more, their ragged ringing no longer tormenting the ear, a sign that Benar's lesson is over for the day. The abbot can be seen saying good bye to LilyMoore then walking away from the tower toward the Great Hall.

DoraRose smiles and shrugs. "No idea. Maybe spread out from the river Moss and comb the woods South?" She spots the Abbot and waves to him, calling, "Hey, Benar!"

Flicktail turns and quickly makes sure his tunic is straight and clean, brushing off any crumbs so he looks good for the New Abbot "um...Hello Father Abbot"

Benar asks, "Hmm? Oh DoraRose, Flicktail good afternoon to you both. I trust you are both well?""

Flicktail smoothes his head fur back and nods "Yes Father....how is everything wi' you? Are the Dibbuns behavin'?

DoraRose sighs heavily, tired of her act. "Well, I'm feeling well, but I am very concerned about Blisa. She's been a captive of Irinevok for...I think 2 or 3 weeks. And now that stupid crazy mouse has killed the Master Healer of Ferravale and taken Marek captive.....you did know that Marek was back in Mossflower, right?" It's just dawned on her that he might not know...

Benar just looks at Flicktail, "You ask the strangest questions, what would I know about the Dibbuns? Oz is in charge of them I am quite sure he would tell us all if there was a problem." His head turns to DoraRose and he nods, "I know, I met Marek in the graveyard after Lorimis' funeral, we talked then he left. As for Irirnevok I am afraid I am not much help there"

Flicktail asks, "Didn't you just finish lessons Father?"

DoraRose sighs. "I know...I just feel helpless, waiting for Irinevok to be found." She shakes her head and smiles at the fox. "He's teaching LilyMoore how to ring the bells. She's not a Dibbun any more. That reminds me, how's she doing?" Lily herself can be seen dashing from the belltower to the main Abbey building, Butterclaw fluttering behind her as they enter the building.

Benar says, "Er no I finished the lessons I am giving LilyMoore in how to ring the bells. I am not teaching anyone else."

Flicktail says, "well That explains it, anyways Father I am going to aid where I can with this Irinevok business.... Um...who is that fluttering behind her?"

Benar turns and looks "That is Butterclaw, a friend of hers, and she is getting the hang of it. She has rhythm she just needs to practice"

Flicktail says, "Butterclaw...I must meet that beast some day"

DoraRose watches her daughter. "That's Butterclaw, Lily's Sparra friend." She listens to the Abbot's answer and nods. "Good, I'm glad. I hope she listens and obeys all you tell her." Lily appears in the main doors leading to Great Hall and starts waving. The Warrior frowns and says, "I'd better go see what the trouble is. Good day!" and she walks away, heading towards the main Abbey building.

Benar says, "Good Day DoraRose, see you around and I am sure all is well""

Flicktail asks, "Have you any new orders for me Father Abbot? I am yer champion after all"

Thanks for reading! What could have been wrong with Lily? Perhaps the world will never know....bwahahaha.... ;)
